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  1. #1

    World full of master terraformers!

    Terraform experience gain needs to be adjusted. The skill gain is way to high. in less than two days anyone can max out their terraform skill. I would think that the skill gain should be reduced to about 0.1 of its current setting at least.

    We don't want to have players maxing out all skills in a weeks time.

  2. #2
    Xsyon Citizen Gamefreak's Avatar
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    Ontario, Canada

    Re: World full of master terraformers!

    You can't max out all of your skills by just raising terraforming. It's impossible.

    With 99 terraforming You might be able to go 20 skill points up in two things. That's it.

  3. #3

    Re: World full of master terraformers!

    You can max out your terraform skill in less than 2 days. I though I made it clear that, that was my point when I said "Terraform experience gain needs to be adjusted. The skill gain is way to high. in less than two days anyone can max out their terraform skill."

    I was not talking about trying to exploit it to gain skill points. My last terraformer hit 100 terraforming in only 3 small projects. took about 7-8 hours to do so. I would think that reaching 100 terraforming should take at least a week of solid digging.

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen Gamefreak's Avatar
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    Re:World full of master terraformers!

    Tybalt wrote:
    Terraform experience gain needs to be adjusted. The skill gain is way to high. in less than two days anyone can max out their terraform skill. I would think that the skill gain should be reduced to about 0.1 of its current setting at least.

    We don't want to have players maxing out all skills in a weeks time.
    Regardless, terraforming does level too fast. I agree with you there.

    Your last sentence made me think the opposite of what you were actually trying to get across. From my perspective you said it needs to be reduced so people don't max out all their skills in a week.

  5. #5

    Re:World full of master terraformers!

    7 days is still not that long.

    unless it takes ~2-3 weeks why bother changing it.

  6. #6

    Re:World full of master terraformers!

    The skill gain is fine.

  7. #7

    Re:World full of master terraformers!

    I don't really understand what difference having 1 or 99 terraforming is.

    It is by far the quickest way to get XP though.

  8. #8

    Re:World full of master terraformers!

    Not knowing what the dev's have planned.

    My thought is, No matter what the skill is. If you can skill up to 100 in less than a month(playing an average 30 hours per week) it's to fast. People will level up the skills that they really liked at first just to find that they have nothing more to gain(skill wise, Not XP), And get bored with the game. MMO's are fun time sinks, And a game like this without thousands of NPC quest. We need something to strive for.

    So slow skill gain is king for me.

  9. #9
    Xsyon Citizen Gamefreak's Avatar
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    Re:World full of master terraformers!

    Slow skill gain could be bad and good at the same time. Look at darkfall, that's a perfect example of a skill gain system that is way to slow. The gap between the usefulness of players should not be made large only because of skill gain.

    Personally I don't think I can dedicate 10 hours less than what I work in a week to this game.

  10. #10

    Re:World full of master terraformers!

    Gamefreak wrote:
    Slow skill gain could be bad and good at the same time. Look at darkfall, that's a perfect example of a skill gain system that is way to slow. The gap between the usefulness of players should not be made large only because of skill gain.

    Personally I don't think I can dedicate 10 hours less than what I work in a week to this game.
    This is exactly the point.

    IMO the pace of skill gain simply separates people with a life from people with none.

    The game itself should be designed so that skill gain is achievable by a casual player and the gap between 1 and 99 is not huge. Large skill gaps are for level based games, not sandboxes.

    I would like to repeat though: Terraforming skill gain speed is a moot subject. There is no difference between 1 and 99 as far as I can see. So what difference how long it takes?

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