Kinslayer wrote:
I disagree. I view basketry as weaving, and tailor more as sewing.
In order to sew, you need to first weave so that you can have a proper fabric. Sewing also involves cloth, leather, furs, bark, or other flexible materials (which can be grass).

Kinslayer wrote:
I dont know any tailors that are good at basket weaving, tailors work with fabrics, typically, not grass or cane or bamboo, which is what basketry (weaving) centralises on.
The tailors today don't use their hands to make clothing, they use machines. If they're in a setting where ruined cloth was the only accessible resource, I'm sure they'd eventually start using grass.

prokop15 wrote:
No one is debating that basketry and tailoring are the same thing. Were simply saying a craft dedicated to making baskets doesn't really make long term sense for a game that has piles of scrap modern materials laying around.
Exactly what he said.