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  1. #1

    Major Construction Projects

    Major construction projects

    Taking advantage of the idea in this topic
    By KeithStone

    I would like to expand the concept of craft for this construction may seem bad at first
    But the architects are most useful, in addition to advance planning of a region of their tribe

    The concept of city living en / tribe are applied, yes I agree that such structures demand a considerable time, but believe it will be rewarding

    Concept Farm and Mine will not be applied in construction, but an area open en tha tribe

    Here are some other mmorpg Construction withdrawals that I played until then

    * I like say game is DF
    ** I like say DONT FLAME WARS on topic
    *** Thanks and stay in focus topic
    **** Topic divided in various part because new idea coming any moment

    Part I :
    Part II:
    Part III :
    Part IV :
    Part V :

  2. #2

    Re: Major Construction Projects

    Houses used to Rising comfort, besides guaranteeing a bonus at the speed of character for a short time, the effect of reinvigorating

    Smith Used in conjunction with the profession of toolcraft and weaponcraft
    Ensures best stats and Durability

    Crunch, I saw that the future must attribute Faith will not know how to operate
    most believe that when one prays more if you will be the largest damage or healing or even applied you can launch more acting like other mmorpg en concept of mana

    Keep, Suggestion concept behind this massive structure and something purely defensive and where the tribe holds the resources, besides allowing an observation tower concept, to see enemies and friends the distance

    Smelter, I believe that with the addition of minerals will be useful to refine the art they
    Adding the concept of pure ore, the higher purifying the ore greater durability and damage the armor / weapon crafting with it

    Oven, I believe the bonus should be decreased with fish en favor of cooked foods believe that current solution is temporary and that the ability to cook is to be applied en a construction or campfires, bonfires en clear that the bonus that the food or cooking time it must be greater

    Definition of farm and mine should be applied as said en areas formerly within the tribe more influence should not be like the previous construction
    The mines must be dug down or must be created tools that let excavate mountains
    While your farms shall have the concept of planting and harvesting and will not be something more instantaneous believe it should take about 3 to 5 days depending of weather conditions after niguém do this if the harvest, she was gon

  3. #3

    Re: Major Construction Projects

    Lumbermill concept, would be applied in accelerating the cutting of wood, besides improving efficiency example a trunk would be cut wood planks en 2

    Concept Loom or machines or Tailor Leathercraft I think it should be only one machine for both profession follows the same concept of lumbermill, you gain an agile process, you get to learn the skill bonus, you get bonus in weathering craftable

    Not quoted formerly plus all the necessary construction would be usable only by their respective abilities to craft

    No more those formerly mentioned construction will cost a concept here
    Firmly believe that the maintenance of the saw cutting lumbermill, fire in the smelter and Oven, and timber lines to loom, rock and ore to smith and other resources must be created sink

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen Xx1327's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re:Major Construction Projects

    i think things like this are in the works, if not then they should be. Using stations, or factories as they pretty much are, can be a great addition to towns.

    would be neat to float cut trees down rivers into the tribes lumber mill.

  5. #5

    Re:Major Construction Projects

    There are already more primitive versions of some of the craft structures, they just aren't functional, yet. As far as the bigger buildings, I believe that most of the design work is done for those as well, but the coding takes a very long time, since there are only a few developers and several artists.

  6. #6
    Xsyon Citizen Xx1327's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re:Major Construction Projects

    Darenkel wrote:
    There are already more primitive versions of some of the craft structures, they just aren't functional, yet. As far as the bigger buildings, I believe that most of the design work is done for those as well, but the coding takes a very long time, since there are only a few developers and several artists.
    yea im sure pretty much everything we want is there it jsut needs to be put in the game and tested

  7. #7

    Re:Major Construction Projects

    Water System Trasnport
    Niguém as possible and have thought a similar concept?
    I think a lot of tribes would like to have a source of water within their city / tribe

    Large deposits of waters in style to Roman aqueducts and fountains ally will make a major sink for resources relevant to rocks and ores and fara tribes strive to maintain these resources a few tribes wishing to live away from places more easily visualized'll meet great difficulty because of water source that contains water and fish (food)

    Gate stone / wood are desired by various clan who like to build beautiful fortification in Xsyon I and my tribe made using Pioneer Cannopyr most believe it will not be useful en wartime

    Not yet seen the existence of walls of stones if there is please ignore if not because it adds to the game

    Torres said as the gate was formerly interresante towers of stones / wood so you can build your fort seeking grandeur, and visibility of possible enemies and of course watch the animals, enjoy the view on the spot you chose to live

    The walls must be of double layer so that people could climb on top of it and use ranged weapons to fight the opponents

    I do not know the feasibility of adding the option you size up or down the walls / towers / gate and or any other construction based on the size of your costs even believe that if I want to make a small wall of limestone I can do to separate the middle section of my tribe or why I think it will give freedom ideas

    For Now is all

  8. #8
    Xsyon Citizen VeryWiiTee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Somewhere in nowhere

    Re:Major Construction Projects

    Vadio wrote:
    Water System Trasnport
    Niguém as possible and have thought a similar concept?
    I think a lot of tribes would like to have a source of water within their city / tribe

    Large deposits of waters in style to Roman aqueducts and fountains ally will make a major sink for resources relevant to rocks and ores and fara tribes strive to maintain these resources a few tribes wishing to live away from places more easily visualized'll meet great difficulty because of water source that contains water and fish (food)

    Gate stone / wood are desired by various clan who like to build beautiful fortification in Xsyon I and my tribe made using Pioneer Cannopyr most believe it will not be useful en wartime

    Not yet seen the existence of walls of stones if there is please ignore if not because it adds to the game

    Torres said as the gate was formerly interresante towers of stones / wood so you can build your fort seeking grandeur, and visibility of possible enemies and of course watch the animals, enjoy the view on the spot you chose to live

    The walls must be of double layer so that people could climb on top of it and use ranged weapons to fight the opponents

    I do not know the feasibility of adding the option you size up or down the walls / towers / gate and or any other construction based on the size of your costs even believe that if I want to make a small wall of limestone I can do to separate the middle section of my tribe or why I think it will give freedom ideas

    For Now is all
    You can already dug out a river if your tribes control the area. This way you can create a lake in your tribe area and shut off the water access if you didn't want the river. Etc. But yeah a system in which you can place long logs/metal plates etc together and divert a river into your village could be nice.

    I think gates are on the program and so should some sort of bridge be.

  9. #9

    Re:Major Construction Projects

    Really simple concept that I came down, why not Warehouse, Stockpile
    The size of the content would be stored depedente size of the tribe decided to build would be a minimum size of 40x40 steps
    Featuring 2x or 3x size of the largest currently Basket
    That would eliminate one basket lot of no names

    Sink as maintenance may be of sheet metal, logs, rocks,
    Varying according to type of construction (I will discuss about them in my next topic)

  10. #10

    Re:Major Construction Projects


    This concept was born while removing were talking about our moat and walls i think would be good to put a drawbridge or a bridge here simply believe this concept to succeed you have to be able Dimesion the size of it and of course the larger it increased the cost and acontrario the smaller, less resources will be required, this kind of freedom people want

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