Water System Trasnport
Niguém as possible and have thought a similar concept?
I think a lot of tribes would like to have a source of water within their city / tribe
Large deposits of waters in style to Roman aqueducts and fountains ally will make a major sink for resources relevant to rocks and ores and fara tribes strive to maintain these resources a few tribes wishing to live away from places more easily visualized'll meet great difficulty because of water source that contains water and fish (food)
Gate stone / wood are desired by various clan who like to build beautiful fortification in Xsyon I and my tribe made using Pioneer Cannopyr most believe it will not be useful en wartime
Not yet seen the existence of walls of stones if there is please ignore if not because it adds to the game
Torres said as the gate was formerly interresante towers of stones / wood so you can build your fort seeking grandeur, and visibility of possible enemies and of course watch the animals, enjoy the view on the spot you chose to live
The walls must be of double layer so that people could climb on top of it and use ranged weapons to fight the opponents
I do not know the feasibility of adding the option you size up or down the walls / towers / gate and or any other construction based on the size of your costs even believe that if I want to make a small wall of limestone I can do to separate the middle section of my tribe or why I think it will give freedom ideas
For Now is all