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  1. #1

    Broken Down Automobiles

    After checking out the gallery, broken down automobiles really make their way into an apocalyptic atmosphere. However, it's pretty obvious that they'd be useless. After reviewing this thread...

    In reponse to Xsyon...

    Xsyon wrote:
    I haven't decided yet if these cars will be seen in the starting zone or will be found as the green mist clears.

    Originally these were intended as decorative objects, but I'd like to make them more interactive. That of course takes time, so it's the main reason I might add them in later.
    My Suggestion

    My solution in making broken down automobiles useful, rather than a decoration, why not use them for their locks? I mean, after putting together a car, we could either obtain a key, or we'd have to create one. Being that we're far from installing knobs for houses, cars could be the next best thing for storage.

    But of course, the models need to be tweaked a little to have metal plates covering the windows for the vehicles. That could make up for the actual part that we'd be crafting. Not sure if there will be locks for containers, but a vehicle would be one big container and it would definitely add to the apocalyptic appeal.

  2. #2

    Re:Broken Down Automobiles

    Pretty good idea actually, I like it.
    Then there's also the obvious possibility of striping them down for metal and parts and such. If there was a way to move the cars they'd be good to use in building defences.

  3. #3

    Re:Broken Down Automobiles

    Accidental second post, but I'll just add that if you couldn't do anything with the cars and vans then it'd be a real kill joy. I hated seeing the broken down cars in the Fallout games and knowing that I couldn't do anything with no no matter how close to being operational they might look.

    Also, if the need to sleep is implemented and thus you need to shelter for your sleep then the cars could be used as makeshift shelter.

  4. #4

    Re:Broken Down Automobiles

    Assuming the wheels still turn they could be turned into make shift wagons.

  5. #5
    Xsyon Citizen VeryWiiTee's Avatar
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    Oct 2010
    Somewhere in nowhere

    Re: Broken Down Automobiles

    Actually that wasn't half stupid thought of.
    Though I'm not sure if the container idea will work though it was well thought of, but we can or should be able to break them down into parts we can use.
    Make shift wagons, I think about a ton heavy car might be a bit over.. hmm.. The top for what a human can pull, no :P?
    - Perhaps if you stripped it first so it was only a very light metal frame.

    Defo something to elaborate much more on =)!

  6. #6

    Re: Broken Down Automobiles

    I'm not really sure how this would work even if they wanted to do something like this.

    Would broken down cars just spawn randomly around the world, or would there only be a set amount of cars in the game at launch?

  7. #7

    Re: Broken Down Automobiles

    KeithStone wrote:
    I'm not really sure how this would work even if they wanted to do something like this.

    Would broken down cars just spawn randomly around the world, or would there only be a set amount of cars in the game at launch?
    I was thinking about it being more of a craftable item that would require many metals. Maybe having it be a pattern or a structure. Sure, we could find out how to build a automobile, don't mean we'd know how to use it. I'm just trying to take advantage of the locks so people can protect their goods. Of course, other uses for it would be appreciated, would really like the idea of broken down cars.

  8. #8
    Xsyon Citizen Xx1327's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    Re:Broken Down Automobiles

    i would for cars to become operational or maybe using the radios in them some how. maybe later in the game we could learn how to fix em up and actually use the cars.

    but for now yea stripping cars for parts would be a good idea and cars in good condition for storage/housing

    a limited amount of cars sounds like a good idea to me, with more being found with the expanding mist. personally i dont like the idea of building cars, way to sophisticated to be building in the sticks

  9. #9

    Re:Broken Down Automobiles

    I think that they should be respawnable.

    New player: "Hey guys, I see yall have this really cool turret bus. How can I make one!?"

    Old player: "Oh, you can't. We already harvested the parts from cars and can't manufacture any new ones because our characters are stoopid. Oh yeah! And the cars don't respawn either."

    New player: "But I just joined! "

  10. #10
    Xsyon Citizen Xx1327's Avatar
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by mrcalhou View Post
    I think that they should be respawnable.

    New player: "Hey guys, I see yall have this really cool turret bus. How can I make one!?"

    Old player: "Oh, you can't. We already harvested the parts from cars and can't manufacture any new ones because our characters are stoopid. Oh yeah! And the cars don't respawn either."

    New player: "But I just joined! "
    in most cases i would agree with having things not limited because of new players. but the mist expanding is for new players and new content for old players, thus indefinitely expanding. Or at least expanding till we have the ability to make a form of cheap ghetto cars. but if this seems too risky for jooky to do then it could be just for prelude then.

    when the mist expands after prelude we could start including junkyards in or on the outskirts of cities. These junkyards would have a standard amount of, diff types and different levels of degradation, cars based on the junkyard's size. the junkyards would have very high respawn times and be heavily guarded by something, maybe the mist even. This way we have a never ending supply of cars but it will make them rare nonetheless.

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