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Thread: Trial

  1. #1


    Hm,lots of players want to check the game without pre-ordering,why the hell there isnt any trial account option? I want check how the game looks nad i need to pre-order? ;/

  2. #2
    Xsyon Citizen Helith's Avatar
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    Sep 2010
    north caroliina


    first off the game isn't released yet, its still being perfected. So why in any means would a P2P give a trial.but you never know they may put a trial out after the game is released i just can't see doing it any time soon.

  3. #3


    Teleskop wrote:
    Hm,lots of players want to check the game without pre-ordering,why the hell there isnt any trial account option? I want check how the game looks nad i need to pre-order? ;/
    Trial accounts for MMO are always released ~ 1 year after the game is launched.

    This game is beta- why would they offer a trial account during beta?

  4. #4


    KeithStone wrote:
    Teleskop wrote:
    Hm,lots of players want to check the game without pre-ordering,why the hell there isnt any trial account option? I want check how the game looks nad i need to pre-order? ;/
    Trial accounts for MMO are always released ~ 1 year after the game is launched.

    This game is beta- why would they offer a trial account during beta?
    Hah, yeah I think he's asking to participate in beta.

  5. #5


    Trail accounts will be allowed when it is appropriate to do so. No details have been released (that I'm aware of) been released to how this will work, however likely it will be a day-based limit (ie 1 to X limit).

  6. #6
    Don't want to be a thread necro here, but I want to chime in as well. It'd be nice to (if nothing else) have some videos available, from the devs, highlighting the selling-point features of the game. Apart from some sporadic youtube videos and the screenshots on the page, I don't think I have enough to go on to make a purchase decision. While I really like what I've seen, I'm not quite willing to commit $40. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ripping the game. I just want to make sure it's what I'm looking for. (I know this has already been discussed and trials won't be coming for a while, just chipping in my two cents. Even a two-hour trial would be nice; it's hard to make a decision involving that much money down (plus monthly fee) without having firsthand tried the game).

  7. #7
    I believe there will be some new videos posted soon. They just had a contest.

  8. #8
    We talked about this game just today.. then I checked the pricing.. 40+15e month for a game what doesn't have a open beta or trial.. No way, the screenshots ain't that hot so the only selling point for us MMO:ers is the content.. and paying for promises etc what we have no idea what they actually mean or how they are executed.. ain't a option. Too much crap in past few years in MMO markets in broken promises.. that pre-order is out of the question without an trial/OB.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by LordN View Post
    We talked about this game just today.. then I checked the pricing.. 40+15e month for a game what doesn't have a open beta or trial.. No way, the screenshots ain't that hot so the only selling point for us MMO:ers is the content.. and paying for promises etc what we have no idea what they actually mean or how they are executed.. ain't a option. Too much crap in past few years in MMO markets in broken promises.. that pre-order is out of the question without an trial/OB.
    Xsyon probably doesn't want too many people to participate in "beta" because it's after all "beta". The problem with getting a large community to try "beta" is that the people would only come to judge rather than contribute. Since most people would believe the actual game will be exactly like "beta", they wont even recommend the game or even buy it themselves. Not to offend you, but you seem like someone that wants to judge rather than be a beta tester, especially since you're asking for a trial in a game that didn't even come out yet. Xsyon is playing smart by making us risk our money over their popularity. Do I like it? Not really. Is it a good idea? Pretty much.

    You will never know how this game is like unless you pay for it. Otherwise, wait for a trial after the game comes out.

  10. #10
    Thats what open beta has become for so many MMOs now, A free look at the game for a few weeks. But whats going on here is a very small company trying to make a game and wants real testing. Jordi has said that he is not looking to try and take on the WOW type games. He is going for the small start and grow from there. He has also said that he was not going to have some production company use a lot of god like gaming tools to make a video that will show the game in a way that you would never see it as you play. He likes the idea that the players make the videos, So you will see the game the way you would ingame.

    I understand the burn so many has had in the past with other MMOs, But I don't think you will see any open beta or free trail any time soon. Xsyon is a paid beta, And I don't think that will change.

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