Quote Originally Posted by Gamefreak View Post
You know, come to think of is Trenix, you haven't contributed anything useful here.

If you know of a game that has a system to deal with macroing without admins running around banning people, let me know.

Because there is none.
Applause !
It is so very true. Somehow this was never a problem in EQ which was all about grinding. Maybe it has something to do with the whole "I need instant gratification in order to enjoy myself". Go wank, honestly (said with a winking eye).
I don't get it, people want the best items etc. for their character, but they don't want to do the grind for it.

That is your problem. It will persist as long as there are idiots and lazy twads in this world and so far no game has succesfully avoided bots. If they had, you'd think that system would be implemented in ooh let's say pretty much every MMO out there.
There is but one thing that matters. Make programs that looks for bots, in World of Warcraft this could easily be implemented as they used a program that recognized spell rotations and took out those peeps that couldn't, at least as a human, make the same rotation over and over with the same amount of seconds between each spell.
Ban hammer (we're talking perm IP-ban for the rest of your life not the lousy 3month ones) it away for the win and well, just don't jump the wagon of fail?.