Questions of Week 05/07 through 05/13

tomduril asks:

Would you consider decaying waterskins (eg by Drink, Fill, Empty ...) like the other tools?
This was added with a recent minor patch.

Would you consider decaying waterbarrels on use (fill, fill from, etc ...)?
This was added with a recent minor patch.

How hard would it be to decay carts (use, unuse, move ...) - the "only problem" I see is what happens to the contents of the cart, when it breaks down ...
The plan is to set up decay that affects a cart's speed until it's repaired. This would not affect contents and players would be able to dismantle broken carts. This is slated as an improvement to 'fit in' over the next few months when there is time.

Drevar Asks:

Will the penalty to scavenging still apply with totems in various stages of decay?
The penalty is reduced depending on the stage of abandonment.