Questions for the week of 12/31 through 1/7 2011

Deacon asks:
can we get it so the posts can actually touch on the verticle flats sides? A they touch...B they wont. the gap in between them just looks tacky, as well as you can fall thru if walking across top, and possibly get stuck. The yakitil corner post(A) allows it........but yakid stone post(B) does not ... (image in link)
Please report this as a bug and we will fix this.

Caduryn asks:
Will we be able to continue Buildings that other Tribe-Member started? Feels stupid that i canīt access them as the Tribe-Leader. ^^
This will be done in 2 or 3 weeks when construction is revised.

Deacon ads:
shouldnt tribe leader be able to allow "anyone" he want to add to projects or even build or start them.
This will also be done in 2 or 3 weeks when construction is revised

Treyu's question:
Was answered here

Gandhi asks:
I read, that there will be no hard skill cap. So, how much skill i can max out? I hope Xsyon will be no grind-game, like Darkfall is. In Darkfall the developers also promised a soft skill cap, but in reality you could max oiut almost all skills, when you spent enough time for grinding. I hope this will be different here.
I am not done balancing the skill cap, but you should not be able to grind all skills. There is a general soft cap and soft caps within each skill group (crafts, combat etc.). I am currently finishing the effects of tools and materials and revising crafting so that proper selection at crafting will be as important as skill level.

afterclaps's question
Was answered here (last question)

otomotopia asks:
When will we be able to raid other tribes? And what systems are you planning for that?
Not for a while. This was planned for after the Prelude, which will last at least 6 months. When a raiding system is implemented I will first look at what other games do and what systems have had success.

February will be wipe time, but I'm assuming its also major content patch day. What should we be looking forward to testing in the coming weeks?
Most content will be in before the wipe. The only content that will be added at wipe are a much larger variety of creatures. Over the coming weeks the main things to be added and tested are the quest system, and changes to crafting, construction and combat.

*edit* Also, will we be able to participate in wars soon? What are the conquest victory conditions? Can we take more then one territory now?
As with raiding tribes, this won't happen for a while. The first implementation will allow for players to claim and fight over additional territories, but not their main tribal zone.