Questions for the week of 12/10 through 12/17 2010

Aliksteel asks:
I understand the concept of a automated quest reward system, But have to wonder about what happen when the quest giver has asked for 10 long logs. After clicking the quest totem to pick up your quested items. Do they stack beside you right there? or Will we be able to move them in a stacked ghost form to our stockpile yard?
Logs and similar items will be stored at the totem and you will be able to take them out one by one (or in bundles) similar to how construction ghosts work.
I'm pretty sure that good and neutral factions can trade, I'm also pretty sure that neutral and evil factions can trade, But will good and evil factions be able to trade?
There are currently no restrictions on this, but I plan to add them. You should not be able to trade with opposing factions or foes.

Jadzia asks:
Will there be any indicator of a tribe's or a player's alignment?
Yes. Names will show in different colors to indicate friends / foes and known evil players.

Treyu asks:
Will you change the way we see player floating names (and NPC animals too, but my concern is mainly with players) so that you only see the name above the player's head WHEN you are aiming at them? What about the colors, will we get different name colors (the grey one we have now makes it very difficult to see it at times) or different colors depending on alligment (Pk, neutral, tribes at war, friends, etc)?
Yes. With the most recent update, names show only when you are aiming or selecting a creature or another player. Colors indicating status and alignment will be in soon.

Trenixdecease asks:
Will stealing ever be implemented in the game or is it already planned?
The original design included a stealing system similar to UO, but limited to small items that could be pickpocketed. Right now there are no immediate plans to add stealing, but it's something I will reconsider in the future.
Will there be drugs? If so, will it give us any effects, benefits, or consequences?
Not for a while, but yes, with effects, benefits and consequences.
Will we be able to create our own religions or will we have to select from a variety of pre-assigned religions?
Existing religions will be introduced first. I haven't thought about creating your own religions but it's an interesting idea.
Will there be alcohol? If so, will it give us any effects, benefits, or consequences?
Not for a while, but yes, with effects, benefits and consequences.
Will animals and livestock have meters like we do that we must help adjust? Will they be visible?
Yes, they will have the same hunger, thirst and energy meters and you will have to feed them or let them rest.
Will tracking ever be implemented in the game or is it already planned?
It's part of the original design, but won't be in game for a while.
Will paving ever be restricted for masons only?
There are no plans for this, but I've added this to the suggestions list.
Will buildings affect comfort?
Yes, and will increase your regeneration rates.
Will animals undergo a growing process?
Yes. They already do when the daily World Update is turned on. We've been running this on the test server. It will be made live on the main server soon.
Will fires affect comfort?
Yes, and will increase your regeneration rates.
Will livestock require us to nurture them?
Yes. See answer above.
Will the quality of an object be a number like in Wurm Online, or will it be ranked by color like in a MMORPG?
It's currently a number.

Foreseer asks:
I've noticed the /g (Guild) chat. What are your plans for Guilds?
Guilds are planned for the future (next summer or later). Guilds will be sub groups within a tribe of players with similar professions.

Mrcalhou asks:

Can we have the option to turn off floating names, the circles underneath npcs and objects, and the targetting glow?
I added this to our suggestion list. I can add this, however, not being able to see what you are targetting or selecting will make things difficult.

MrDDT asks:
What are your plans for combat? Are we going to get skills or power like moves?
My plan is to take some time after the launch to review the combat system of Mount and Blade and other combat oriented games that players have suggested to me and redesign the system after I have seen what's out there.