Once a major corporation in the world before the apocalypse,
Neuropa supplied the warring nations with the highest quality
armament, tanks, planes and the latest in high-tech weaponry.
After the world ended, with civilization nearly destroyed and humanity scrounging the wreckage, Neuropa's factories in shambles, its workforce decimated, valuable research lost, it is not the great producer it used to be. However, It is not the end.
Under the guidance of the old leaders, with a desire to rebuild
and recreate, Neuropa follows its long-time mission:
With the power of a nation
To build a new world
And expand the boundaries of humanity
To the infinite universe.
Neuropa is built on quality, perfection and determination. Nothing less will be accepted. If you have the will to be the best, Neuropa will have the means.
Novus Mundus Ordo.
An executive is a member of the board of executives, a group of leaders who will vote and decide on the future course of action for the company as a whole. They are the leaders of the company and have the final say on any company related decision. Executives will have full access to any and all company resources and will decide how these resources will be allocated. The perks equal to that of supervisors along with those things which are required for a leadership position. They will have absolute first choice on any items (with limits) coming into the company resource pool, including scavenged items and gear looted from enemy faction attacks and if needed, will decide how these items will be distributed amongst members. An executive is the boss. When he or she gives an order, you follow. If you refuse an order, you may either take a punishment or submit a reason for infraction to the board. An executive's number one priority is the advancement of the company. An executive may not force an employee to do things for his or her own personal benefit. If in the case of a high crime such as treason, the willfull destruction of company buildings or the mass murdering of company or allied employees, the accused will face trial by board and the entire executive board will decide the course of action which should be taken. The board will establish the rules by which company members will abide and will ensure a safe and friendly environment for company members.
As a supervisor you are now the military equivalent of an officer. You've proved an exceptional loyalty to the company, an ability to lead and have above-average skills. You've shown that you can be trusted by the company and you will have the ability to promote trainees to employees as well as give orders and provide punishments for misdemeaning employees (ie, stealing from, flaming, and killing company and allied members. Higher crimes such as treason will be handled by trial by Chief Executive.) A supervisor will have many perks as well, such as larger priority housing, the ability to take greater amounts of resources from the company's pool, higher discounts on company-owned items, first pick over employees of items looted from attacks by or upon warring factions, as well as
the company-provided armaments. You will have a larger voice in company affairs and may propose ideas to the board of executives. Any ideas originating from below a supervisor must be first submitted to the supervisor before being brought before the board for review. Promotion to executive is not easy or common. There are no specific requirements and the board will only accept new members on rare occasions. The board will vote from within, without any mention to the supervisor, to decide whether or not he or she will be added to the board.
You are now a full member of Neuropa Corp. and have access to all the facilities and many of the collective resources the company has to offer. As an employee, you will specialize in some form of crafting, combat and resource gathering. You must be an active member and able to participate in the majority of company activities and events. You will have limited access to the company's pool of resources. The amount you can take out will be limited to the amount of effort you put toward the advancement of the company. Being a member will also have perks such as special discounts on items sold by company vendors and access to company armaments for self-defense and the protection of company base as well as any employee homes (which will also be provided when resources are sufficient.) Promotion to supervisor is based on a review of your leadership abilities as well as your activity and apparent loyalty to the company.
You want to become a member of Neuropa Corp. You will have to show your worth to us, as well as prove your competence. This is the lowest rank and you do not yet have the privileges of a full member. For promotion you must show us that you are regularly active, loyal, and willing to work and gather for the greater glory of the tribe.
Anyone can join and become a trainee. If we decide that you are Neuropa material then you will be promoted to an employee. To join, IM me via MSN/Windows Live Messenger at S104Fred@hotmail.com or on AIM at S104 Fred. Your name will be added to the roster and we'll see you when the game releases!