View Poll Results: Do you like this idea?

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  • Yes

    19 47.50%
  • No

    14 35.00%
  • I really don't care

    7 17.50%
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Results 1 to 10 of 15
  1. #1

    An Audience with Xyson

    SHINRA will be hosting a Q&A session with the Jooky this or the following weekend... the exact date at time is yet to be confirmed. The event will take place on the SHINRA ventrilo server and it is anticipated that it will last for 60 minutes.

    The objective:
    The objective of this event is simply to allow two way communication and connection between the games developers/owner and the playing community beyond the forums. It is not known at this stage if the event will be repeated... I guess this will depend on how informative and/or successful the first event is deemed by Jooky.

    Here is how it will work:
    • All Xsyon players (and guides) are formally invited
    • Those of you that have a question you would like to ask must send the question to with a cc: to before mid-night, 11th December (UK time)
    • Each invitee will be limited to 1 question each
    • Depending on the number of questions submitted, a short list of 20 questions will be selected for presentation to Jooky
    • Each person selected to ask a question will be informed through the Xsyon PM system
    • Once the details of the event are published, please log in to ventrilo 10 minutes before the allotted time
    • Bossman will chair the meeting
    • Paradox will provide additional support
    • The channel will be muted until you are requested to present your question
    • Jooky will respond accordingly, close down the question and move on to the next
    • Rinse and repeat
    • The event will be recorded for publication

    Like me and my fellow SHINRA members, I am certain that you are all 100% behind Jooky and the devs and are looking forward to a hugely successful Xsyon release. Please, let's get behind the team and offer some positive and supportive interaction.

    The date, time and ventrilo details will appear here once the event details have been finalised.

  2. #2
    This reminds me of vside where they had office hours. It's a great way to get the community involved and it was definitely an anticipating event. You really wanna know what's happening in the game? This would be the place to do it. In office hours, the staff only gave out information for upcoming patches if you asked the right questions. Ask GuideZuriel about it, maybe he could host it. He is after all our community manager.

  3. #3
    Xsyon Citizen Xx1327's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    hmm weird but ok

    do you mean December 11?

    and whats the difference between this and the Questions in the Developer Zone on the forums? we get to hear a recording instead and feel involved.
    Are questions being filtered, why not just send an email for the invite instead of the question? Just curious.

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen VeryWiiTee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Somewhere in nowhere
    Couldn't this be done through the forums.. I mean, that's how you've had the chance before.. I don't see the problem in keeping it that way..?

    And in general, being nice to people goes along way if you want juicy info about stuffses.

  5. #5
    Don't see the point to ventrilo especially when question's are being filtered. Also don't like the idea of another clan seeming more privy to information as well. Rather just have devs sitting on IRC or log in-game. Perpetuum Online has developers sitting in game for random periods of the day answering questions and bsing with the general community. Don't see why Xsyon developers can't do the same every so often to answer individual questions. Honestly forums are good enough if they truly cant grace us with their divine grace ever so often...

  6. #6
    sent a question in, but paradox's was returned un-deliverable.

  7. #7
    Xsyon Citizen Xx1327's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    so guessing this never happened? what was the deal?

  8. #8
    Xsyon Citizen Kitsume's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    San Francisco Bay Area
    I don't think they set a date for it to happen yet. The Dec 11 date was the deadline for submitting questions.

    Also, I have noticed any time someone votes in a poll, it refreshes the thread and makes it show as new again

  9. #9
    Also, Bossman, please remove my question from consideration, as it's been answered in another thread.


  10. #10
    Xsyon Citizen Xx1327's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    can we make the results on the poll public so we can see who voted for what?

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