It's almost like two people are using the same account, REVKhA. Your OP made me think that you was doing all you could to destroy the game, Then this ....

Quote Originally Posted by REVKhA View Post
Please... if you think i want to make a bad name out of this project you are insanely wrong. I gave away a music album for free (no license) that album too more than a year to complete... not counting the years of experience. Sure it wasn't a tribal oriented album but a space ambient project (good for the night) but the intention is there. I want this project to survive more than you can imagine (Neocron 3 is ways off , Black Prophecy is pretty boring, cannot find any good games out there).

...... Link to comment

I just want this game to be balanced in terms of gameplay functions and events. We NEED natural disasters, migration, and lots of random scripted events. Depleted grass in the winter forcing players to stack up. I am not afraid of players not doing teamwork , i am affraid that this game never gets completed at all.

Hopefully you guys can see my point of view. I want this project more than anything because other games are PURE JUNK. Please do not let this project die . Thank you
I understand you and now am with you on most of this. And With all the new post you have started, I understand that you do want the best for the game. Thank you for making me understand. This REVKhA is the guy that I hope to be running way from, Trying to stay alive with you right behind me trying to slice and dice me to death, Goodtimes to come.

Quote Originally Posted by mrcalhou View Post
Please define your sandbox. It is clear to me that your definition of a sandbox would be different than my definition of a sandbox. I define a sandbox as a game that gives players different ways in which they can advance in the game while also not making them follow a pre-defined path in order to do so. I also consider games that have an open world environment that lets me complete tasks at my pace to be sandbox. This does not mean that a game cannot have an over-arching story, but rather that I can go about playing the game without having to do the story stuff until I want to. In a nutshell: A sandbox is a game that gives the players options. Some games I consider sandboxes include: Eve-Online, Fallout 3 and New Vegas (I haven't played the first two), The Elder Scroll Series, and the Grand Theft Auto series.

In my opinion, having NPCs does not take away a game's ability to be a sandbox. Neither does having a sort of tutorial to introduce players to some of the mechanics that they will run into.
No we are much alike, My point was about .... and Forgive me if your not one of them, people on the forums when talking about combat want to say that a sandbox is open and no one should be able to hide behind any type of game feature to save them. Then a few of you started talking about game quest for new players, I found that funny. Any way I am with you on some of that. Don't want NPC's.

Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
Im not sure how giving someone a few quests at the start to help them along is telling them what to do or holding their hands.

Instead of dropping them off on a blank paper of a world and saying here are some tools to make brushes, then you have to figure out how to make colours, then you have to figure out how to paint with those brushes and colours.
You could say, here is a quest on how to make your first colour, here is a quest on how to use a tool, here is a quest on how to paint something small.

You tell people that the world is open for them to do anything in and dont tell lead them to do anything, you will find they will just do something else (not in game).
I think like a short instance that you go to after you make your toon, Would work nice. Say a short five to ten minute game tutorial. Then from there you pick your spawn point. I'm not hardcore sandbox, But in the last five or so years so many games came out and I felt like I was chained to them as they pushed me down a long hallway that I could not get out of. I have a fear that when you start adding a little hand holding here and a little there, That you may push it over into that type of game. But if it took us having NPC's and quest to have a good game population, I will be for it. I want like it, But I want this game to work.