I still liek you.

Quote Originally Posted by REVKhA View Post
That's some mad bullcrap there ... information needs to be centered ingame not in some 3rd party .pdf . There is no excuse for that stuff missing the information should pop up (tooltip) ingame. Nough said.
Well so many whine about stuff that are being implemented or under construction. Instead of whining about such things, they ought to read up. No the feature list is not completely imported yet.. Thought we had stated that loads of times now. It is also being imported into the game as the CONTENT gets CODED and FINISHED.
That includes Tool tips so, instead of complaining, be happy that you even -got- some sort of guidance in the manual. 'nough said.
You sound like you expect it all to happen over night, over a week or over a month. It doesn't. So stop taking forth the subjects that have been discussed over and over again? You like the game, great =).. But this is getting tiresome to see on the forums. I'd rather see less important things that is written down somewhere, be pushed back and have some more content pushed forth, such as quests, tribe systems and combat mechanics. Especially decay would be a very good thing to introduce soon to quell some of the 'we lack stuff to do' as then you'll have to keep yourself supplied, because your housing (if you have any tribe), your tools, armor, weapons and food will decay. It'll force you to search for other players to repair, replace etc.
But you said that already . So it isn't that I disagree all that much with you, actually I agree with quite a lot of what you said..

Did I mention content? I just said, if you don't know what to do in a sandbox, you ought to go back to your theme park where you are guided.
"Can't think for yourself." (Hey I'm a woodcrafter, I need wood. Where can I get some.. Oh there!. *Chopping* Now what can I do with these logs. *Opens crafting* aah I can make some poles. I'll do that and see what they are.), yell to the world and hear if anyone can help you.
We only have a scarce game population at the moment, but at least we have a shout now, so you can actually contact people and band together easily now. That opens up A HELL lot of content ? You can suddenly terraform, build houses etc. No atm, all we can pretty much do is to terraform/craft/hunt/explore. Which is. Oh in line with the About on the website. Yay!

The About. (And we have moved quite far from this scenario anywho)
The players of the Prelude begin as scavengers, hunters and gatherers.

What did you expect in a game that tries to follow a concept of evolution. A completely polished game and total war from the beginning?!

And I doubt we will ever agree on what a sandbox is and isn't. So can we drop the issue permaybehaps ?
http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/206045 (you get why after this thread, even though I agree with the top posters..)