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  1. #1
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    London, United Kingdom
    <insert facepalm.jpg> Why is it some people lack the common sense to realise that a game/project cannot be literally done overnight (unless your an AI from 200 years in the future). It takes time to implement things, bug hunt, bug fix, design etc. Have patience like the rest of us, Keep thinking about suggestions, Help the Dev's hunt them Bugs.

  2. #2
    I have to agree with the OP in most cases but i know that a game needs time too.. In my pers. opinion we need atm only some new things that ppl log in.

    I think about stuff like open world for pvp, the tribe safe zones suck or maybe the possibility to easy declare war to other ones to bring a little action in. For combat i would wish to lock the camera because the far zoom out in a combat makes it look like Diablo 2. Best would be a first person view in combat mode... about the attributes on armor or weapons, we dont need to see them atm but they should have it so a grass armor should protect less than a bone for example (dont know if its allready in).

    Me and my guildmates come from Mortal Online, some of us since first beta days...ther was mutch less ingame than xsyon now gots but combat was funny and exciting, this was enough for us to play it for months so i think good hard pvp gives the devs enough time to add more features and new customers that will support them with money.

    New creatures would be nice too, maybe humanoids in a dangerous zone with good loot so we get a point of interesst (wich are very less ingame atm).

    Most of my guildys where about 1 week in xsyon, after this everyone gets bored, i know it should not be the problem of the devs because we allready have purchased the game but at this point we dont want to give positive feedback to our other players so they wont buy for now (what devs should care about).

    I hope xsyon will be a sucess because there are not that mutch games out like that and i am sure there is a big community (ex UO ..) waiting for another great sandbox game.

  3. #3
    A rant from the member of the community that has quit the game so many times I lost count.

    I want to know,
    Was this rant ment for the people playing the game? Did we not know that parts of the feature list was not ingame yet? OR was this an attempt to sabotage the game, In trying to make people not want to buy/play the game?

    Not sure what your agenda is, But it's getting tiresome.

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen Xx1327's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Digby Caesar View Post
    <insert facepalm.jpg> Why is it some people lack the common sense to realise that a game/project cannot be literally done overnight (unless your an AI from 200 years in the future). It takes time to implement things, bug hunt, bug fix, design etc. Have patience like the rest of us, Keep thinking about suggestions, Help the Dev's hunt them Bugs.
    It might have something to do with the fact that this game was supposed to be released back in April - you know, back when they were trying to drum up money for the game with preorders.

    Then, they delayed it 1 month because in the developer's professional opinion, that's all the time he needed to complete and release the game. Now, eight months later, the game still doesn't have many of the features it's supposed to have. Obviously, the developer's ability to gauge what his own game needs was horribly, HORRIBLY wrong. Not just a little off - A LOT OFF, and the game still isn't anywhere near ready with the planned features. I'm sure that, by maintaining the illusion that release was imminent, the money kept coming in.

    Not to worry - when the game finally does launch, and is a train wreck, they'll just attempt to pass it off as "Prelude".

    In short, I agree with the OP. So far, this isn't a game, it's work disguised as a game. They've forgotten one key element of a game - FUN. Xsyon doesn't have it yet.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by SOFWarrior View Post
    It might have something to do with the fact that this game was supposed to be released back in April - you know, back when they were trying to drum up money for the game with preorders.
    Is that so? So why were they telling us not to promote the game for them?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by prokop15 View Post
    Not sure how you figure this disproves what you're implying it disproves. Wouldnt it do the opposite?
    No, they said that if they wanted to promote the game, they'd do it themselves rather than ask for us to do it for them. Another words, if they really wanted to rack up money with pre-orders, they would of. It's not like this game hasn't progressed so I don't get what's all this bitching about.

  8. #8
    Revkha - I agree with your questions. I think the basic answer is "they are coming", but there has been quite a bit of unforeseen problems with server performance etc. A release date of last April was horribly misplaced considering the size of the Dev team and the fact that so few of the features had been tested. I have no problem with that personally, and I was also very wary after the BS that was/is Mortal Online. I would totally understand anyone who is not happy with the delay.

    The only bit I disagree with is "what is there to do?". You can build your own society. From scratch. Terrain, housing, rules, laws, hierachy, quests etc. That is feckin amazing for those of us that are into that sort of thing. I can't think of another game that comes close to that level of sandbox except perhaps EVE.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Luculus View Post
    Revkha - I agree with your questions. I think the basic answer is "they are coming", but there has been quite a bit of unforeseen problems with server performance etc. A release date of last April was horribly misplaced considering the size of the Dev team and the fact that so few of the features had been tested. I have no problem with that personally, and I was also very wary after the BS that was/is Mortal Online. I would totally understand anyone who is not happy with the delay.

    The only bit I disagree with is "what is there to do?". You can build your own society. From scratch. Terrain, housing, rules, laws, hierachy, quests etc. That is feckin amazing for those of us that are into that sort of thing. I can't think of another game that comes close to that level of sandbox except perhaps EVE.
    Wurm, and A tale in the desert by far.

    Also, there are some that are able to push past the basic need to be told what to do, but its not all that many. Most need to be at least shown a little of what they can do, then they will catch on. Leaving it up to the new player to figure out what they want to do in a sandbox is hard. But you give them a few tools, and show them a few small tricks and off they go. Next thing you know they are making huge sand castles and having fun.

    But if you just sit them in sand with water sprayer, bucket and knife. Then tell them have at it make some stuff. They will be bored in mins.

  10. #10
    I'm confused, Do we want a sandbox, or something somewhat like a sandbox?

    What you are talking about now is not having your hand held(Being told what to do). Which is surprising, As I'm a carebear and I don't want my hand held. The unknown is what this game is supposed to be about. At lest I thought that it was about the unknown.

    So what do you want, An NPC to tell you what to do and how to do it?

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