Quote Originally Posted by Digby Caesar View Post
<insert facepalm.jpg> Why is it some people lack the common sense to realise that a game/project cannot be literally done overnight (unless your an AI from 200 years in the future). It takes time to implement things, bug hunt, bug fix, design etc. Have patience like the rest of us, Keep thinking about suggestions, Help the Dev's hunt them Bugs.
It might have something to do with the fact that this game was supposed to be released back in April - you know, back when they were trying to drum up money for the game with preorders.

Then, they delayed it 1 month because in the developer's professional opinion, that's all the time he needed to complete and release the game. Now, eight months later, the game still doesn't have many of the features it's supposed to have. Obviously, the developer's ability to gauge what his own game needs was horribly, HORRIBLY wrong. Not just a little off - A LOT OFF, and the game still isn't anywhere near ready with the planned features. I'm sure that, by maintaining the illusion that release was imminent, the money kept coming in.

Not to worry - when the game finally does launch, and is a train wreck, they'll just attempt to pass it off as "Prelude".

In short, I agree with the OP. So far, this isn't a game, it's work disguised as a game. They've forgotten one key element of a game - FUN. Xsyon doesn't have it yet.