I guess the funnest I've ever had in an MMO while crafting was SWG -PreCU. I loved how the different qualities of same type materials made the difference in final well as the "Experimenting" on it. The different qualities of different components produced a final product of different values as well. Crafting was fun, because you had a way to semi-control the out come, while never knowing exactly what that outcome would be until final completion. But because most items we craft from are of same quality......(ie a steel rod is a steel variations) it's not possible to do it SWG style. Unless there was a skill like a metalsmith who'd reforge metals, somehow making it possble to alter current metal stats.

As for combat, I guess archery in Darkfall, and melee in Roma Victor were best for me. In the DF archery, you actually had to be fairly accurate with the bow and able to judge distances and trajectories to get a hit. In Roma victor, the melee combat was 1st person view, and aiming at specific body parts, and the chance that a newb could actually get a lucky hit in on a vet was there...and did happen occationaly, and sometimes, one good hit was all it took to win...but those fights were often quick, and that system needed some tweeks/refinement as well.

It is true...this game will not be for everyone. All MMO's face that dilema. Our best bet is to offer what we feel are good suggestions, while still supporting current efforts of the hard working Devs, and see where that takes us.