Quote Originally Posted by trenixdecease View Post
I say no, mines and ores are not something that survivors are even supposed to be thinking about, especially in the early stages of an apocalypse. There are scraps all over, why would someone make a pickaxe to get ore only to undergo a longer process in making the equipment they need rather than just finding the tools they need in the scraps? I think Xsyon purposely made us retrieve items from junk piles so we wouldn't have to deal with mines. That was one of the biggest frustrations in Wurm Online for newcomers.
Actually the mining was the thing that I liked the most about Wurm. From day 1 all I wanted to do all day was dig my mine bigger.

Its not the resources that I was interested in but making my own subterranean bunker. In a post-apocalyptic world underground bunkers are not far fetched at all.