
To answer your points:

About advertisement, we've sent all of our information to many online sites, but only a few have listed us so far. Mmorpg.com has told us that they would be creating a spot for us and have had our logos and screenshots since mid January.

If there are any sites you think we should be listed on, please post them here in this thread and feel free to message the administrators of these sites to list us. A bit of a push would help.

About the beta: We do have a beta, it's just not a publicly open beta for the reasons I gave in the other thread.

About the forums: We just launched them yesterday. Give a bit of time to fill up!

About hype: We didn't want to hype the game until it was actually ready. I didn't want to announce any features in development. I've been in the game business long enough to expect 'unexpected' delays. We've had a few of those.

So rather than hype the game and have too many people anxiously waiting, I decided to announce the game as a surprise. We'll be doing the same with many game features that are planned. It's a different approach and we'll see how it goes.

We are looking for a small but tight initial community for the Prelude. Once we've laid the foundations of the world we plan to advertise a lot more.

For those that want to wait and see, that's alright. In a few weeks we'll be resetting the world and launching it from the main server for more beta and pre-order players to explore. I'm sure those players will be posting here to tell you more about the game experience.