Uh uh,m not to forget quest implementation which is making it before release there you get some of your so much needed content which you, apparently, can't make yourself.
Honestly, I don't see what your problem is. Those features you whine so much about are such a tiny part of the rather huge lists of features. Yet you revolve so much around them that you ought to think they were your entire life.. Which is, by all, quite fine a bit sad, but fine.

I don't necessarily agree with a 'set-ready-go' date.
I think it should be a date that can be postponed a week or two, to fix any problems that may arise during this last month of prelude.

I for one would never be interested in Earthrise, if I were I wouldn't be playing a RPG Fantasy/Reality game.. I'd be playing a Sci-fi game..
You can't compare the two game types because they are two completely different genres and thus you can't say that Xsyon will suffer because of Earthrise.