As Xsyon said he would be checking mount and blade combat system to get some ideas for when he decides to improve combat, I leave this video that I found today which explains very very well how the combat works. I was impressed as I have never played this game but the combat seems amazing!
Great find treyu. It is difficult to explain with words why Mount & Blade combat is so good but this tutorial video really does it justice. I hope Jookie will get some inspiration from this.
Edit: treyu, you should check out the cRPG/Strategus mod for Warband. cRPG adds persistent stats to your multiplayer character. The Strategus mod is a spin off of cRPG and adds factions and keep/fief control for multiplayer. The map is browser based but the battles between factions are fought w/in the game.
Ping doesn't seem to affect your actions.. At least I see no connection between the ping and when and action is done (if the ping is stablized around 100-300) the second it goes above 400 I start to notice problems.
Honestly I've never played M&B. However, I don't see the problem with magic.