I was just wanting this line from the updates explained please...

Guides will be available to help the current in game tribes to secure and start building at their already established locations.

From what people are saying in game, Game Guides will interfere with what THEY think is the land people have reserved before launch. I think, this would be unfair to those that played a lot in beta and have had the past few months break, and have now come back to discover people in their place.

As an example, right now, there is another totem in the place I chose for my guild, with no work done to it, just a totem, a const. site in place, and no other sign of civilisation. I would not like game guides to interfere with us to place our totem there, as we chose this place about 3mths ago, when we were playing regularly. Just because a guild gets tired of wipes, and is not willing to play test the game endlessly, does not mean we should suffer the game guides taking our land away from us, to some lazy pricks that log in once every wipe to place a totem and a bullshit project site.

Personally, I think gm's should just stay out or it, if you want a spot, get your ass in game and get it. If people falsely claim spots, like how I have described above, it will be very very unfair.