There is going to be hundreds of stuck people there needs to be a unstuck slash command added to Xyson.
Mabe it moves you few feet or to starting point which ever will save you guys hundreds of hrs of pulling people out of stuck places like i am now. tried doing a /stuck /unstick /unstuck none works so don't figure this is a feature which shouldn't be over looked seeing it will help you in long run to do more important things besides unsticking people.
The problem of stuck people can be solved with an automatic unstuck, but at the same time it opens it up for abuse. We have a growing guide team who will be here to assist you when you do get stuck.
Having a stuck command is very unprofessional. It's better having the devs find a solution rather than resulting to a low quality feature. I've currently started programming a game and I'm having the same issue. I'm pretty much leaving the stuck feature as a last resort. But that's just me.