There are metal buckets why cant water be stored in them or able to make barrels to store water in so dont have to run to river every so often seems logical. What you think?
There are metal buckets why cant water be stored in them or able to make barrels to store water in so dont have to run to river every so often seems logical. What you think?
Also agree.
Yarr! I agree
Agreed as well, I was online when we were talking about this.
I think "Water Barrels" would be great, picked up on back like large logs, heavy when filled, only fillable at a water resource (lake/river), fills when you hit the water icon. Craftable in woodworking section.
When you stand near a placed one, water icon shows up so you can drink from it. Say 40 or 50 uses till it's emptied.
Now, if rain could also fill them, that'd be cool too, but dunno if that could be coded.
Edited to add: This would be ideal for us so that we could build camps away from water resources, like up in the hillsides where it's a long walk down/up to a river.
It would just depend on if the game logs when and where it rains and if there's a water barrel present. It should also log how long it rains and fill based on time. So If water barrel AND rain, then fill while raining kinda thing.
This would be good, but there tends to be a lot of waterfalls and water at different heights. At least near my tribe, but for other areas away it would be good.
Also forgot to add Native Indians use to carry water in leather sealed pouches for long journeys when scouting and exploring just another way to carry water when you hike a long journey. In my exp in game so far i've ran out of water trying to get back to where i left from and i do get lost from time to time. so being able take small pouch of water to keep my thirst up would be good idea till i can make it back to a stream to refill it and my thirst back to full.
I think we'll have "water pouches" and I think we allready have a palce for them in packs tab (bottom right), not sure though it's something I heard.
Water storage in the village is a good idea maybe barrels in houses or some public water storage that has to be filled by tribe members.
I hate running for water while terraforming, for example, which is a looong proces.
We should have water source for our livestock as well, so think Devs have something planned.