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Thread: Hello everyone!

  1. #1

    Hello everyone!

    Im Sakho from Spain! I discover this game a few months ago and now that the game I was playing( Mortal Online ) stopped entertaining me I looked for a new game and this seemed quite funny to me.

    Cant wait to explore a new world and discover new stuff, build a little community in a forest and protect the mother nature.I like to roleplay, so I will join every event!

    There is any tracker to check the lasts devs posts?

    So, see you in game guys!

  2. #2
    Welcome glad you know xsyon

  3. #3
    Xsyon Citizen Helith's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    north caroliina
    Welcome and happy to see another to come our backyard

  4. #4
    Hello Shako! Welcome to Xsyon and I hope you enjoy with us!

    Bueno aqui tienes un "SpanishGuide"

  5. #5
    Bueno saberlo GuideMihr / Good to know that GuideMihr :P

  6. #6

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