I just found this piece of art an decide to try it out, i'm downloading it and gettin' excited about testin' it. It seems a realy awesome game, and looks like it has a really nice comunity so hope you accept me in .
Before loging in, i would like to get some advice about the game, and the starting moves i should do.
Btw, is there any spanish tribe? if yes, i would like to know about them, so i have less problems starting from the scrap.
Im spanish too, I´ve been around 2 days, nice to see mor spaniards! / Yo tambien soy espaņol, llevo por aqui dos dias, genial encontrar mas espaņoles por aqui!
Hehe, Thanks for the info Vadio, ill try to ask him if i have any doubt about the game when my download its over. And Nice to see ya too Sakho, ill contact you by PM so we can gather info together hehe.