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  1. #1

    This sounds like a good spot for a Tribe

    North Shore, Kings Beach - Lake Tahoe

    [quote]Kings Beach was named after card shark Joe King, who won the town site from George Whittell nearly a century before poker had a cult cable-TV following. Set against a vibrant blend of colors, flavors and textures, Kings Beach is kick back. In fact, this stretch of North Lake Tahoe wrote the book on mellow kick back.[/quote]

    You can't make stuff like that up
    --> [url][/url]
    [quote]Eating: Authentic Carne Asada at La Mexicana Taqueria

    Drinking: Microbrews at Jason's Landing

    Sponsor: Kings Beach State Beach

    Animal: Curbstone Setter
    Soundtrack: Bob Marley's Lively Up Yourself

    Sport: Building extravagant sand castles, kite flying, deeplining for Mackinaw

    Historical marker: Today's Conference Center was once a bowling alley. The Grateful Dead played there. The bowling alley, not the Conference Center.

    Must Do/See: Summer Farmer's Market, Summer Music on Kings Beach, SnowFest! Parade and Dress up Your Dog Contest.[/quote]

  2. #2
    Xsyon Citizen Xx1327's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: This sounds like a good spot for a Tribe

    its gunna be hard to find a good spot for a tribe before a map of the game is out, so i've been using topographic ones since we know that'll at least be right. I'm thinking where towns or buildings exist in real life is where the best scavenging will be at

  3. #3

    Re: This sounds like a good spot for a Tribe

    Is there fishing in the game? Cause I'd like a spot near the lake.

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