Ok, I feel the need to post on this update.

I fail to see the logic behind how this is going to offer a solution to the grind involved in the game. In fact, I would go ahead and say that in my opinion, it is going to make it worse. It's already a meticulous grind as it is, but forcing us to have a constant battle with the decay system isn't making what is there any better. The bottom line is that if we strive to be useful in any aspect of this game, we are going to have to spend hours grinding. Having the stat decay system in is just going to make us spend more time on stuff we don't want to do in the first place. I mean, who wants to sit here and make grass baskets and bricks all day? I'm not going to judge you if you do, however, I doubt many of the people in this community would actually like to do something so monotonous.

I just don't see how this update "fixes" grinding, because after approaching it from all logical viewpoints I've come to the conclusion that it does not.

Unless you meant that it forces people to work together, as people would only have the availability to be proficient in one aspect of the game at a time. This is, however, not what you said.