Was wondering if this is something you'll have in mind for the future of Xyson or might consider for its Future?

Medic Profession:

The ability to bandage Head,Chest,L&R Arm,L&R Thigh,L&R Calf,L&R Foot,L&R Hand's?
In the character window have slots to put bandages on them parts.
The bandage's show on the character's
Have to take off the armor piece while the bandage is on.
The wound have to take real game time to heal.
Example fall down cliff hit rocks breaks foot or leg. It takes 3 to 4 months game time for the wound to heal.
In the mean time you can't wear armor on that part and if its a leg.
Your movement is slowed down. If it's a arm you can't swing a weapon with that arm while it's healing.
Bandages added to tailoring skill.
Ability to forage plants as herbs to put on the bandage and wound to make it heal quicker.

This would also benefit in so many ways in pvp.
Example: If you just got killed. What ever parts got hit would be wounded so you couldn't just jump back in the fight. This will add a real strategy to tribes fighting each other. If your tribes members got to badly damaged they wouldn't be able to keep running in on the other tribe just because there tribe has 100 members and the one they attacked has 50.
This could help swing the tied if the lower number tribe has stronger players with better fighting skills.

This is just something that hit me while i was in the mountains hunting Bear's.

Like i said, I don't know what you'll got planned for Xyson's future but if this is a good idea? And it isn't on the table? Could it be? Just a suggestion from me.