Howdy all,
Willbonney here offering a little more help and advice.
So, you got lost eh? Can't find your way around? Stuck in the woods and don't know where north is? Well, here we go:
Xsyon is laid out in a huge "grid." The grids are pretty easy to figure out once you get used to 'em, but rough when you are still new. Every "Zone" is one big 1020 x 1020 square. The Postion (pos) in game are the 3 numbers after your Zone number. They are laid out as being your east/west position, north/south postion, and finally your altitude.
Now, for East/West, the 0 point in the zone you are in is your most West position. This means of course 1020 is your most East position in that zone.
For North/South, the 0 point is the most Southern position in that zone, and 1020 is the most North position in that zone.
As for zones, they are laid next to each other, but again can be funny. As you go West to East, zone numbers go up. For instance, If I'm in zone 979, and I go east (making that first number go up), I will eventually run into zone 980.
For zones North and South though, zone numbers change by 40. So, if I'm again in zone 979, and I go north instead (making that second number go up), I'll eventually end up in zone 1019.
So, an example.
Charles: "I gotta a bear chasing me!!! Hells no, I need to get back to my camp and hide in my tent. Oh noes!!!" Well, good ole' Chuck here is at position 500/500 520 in zone 936. But my damn camp is at 800/200 in zone 978.
So, let's see if we can help Charles figure out his way home. He's in 936, but has to get to 978. Well, knowing now that zones change by 40, if he went north, he'd be in 976. That's a lot closer to home right? So, Charles needs to make that second number (500) go up till it gets all the way to 1020, and then he'll enter zone 976. He's not quite done yet though. And that bear sure is getting closer. Now he's in 976, needs to get to 978, so he needs to head east (make that first number go up), and he'll eventually hit 977. If he continues, he'll hit 978. Then all he needs is to go north/south or east/west a bit, to make his positions match 800/200. Going east to raise the first number (or west to lower it), and going north to raise the 2nd number (or south to lower it).
Well all, I sure hope Charles got home safe. And am hoping to see ya'll in game and not get asked this question no more. If it's still confusing, or you need me to get out the Gerber's baby formula some more, give me a holler.