1. Well, first of all, junk areas is Ok, but maybe add some small spots scattered around world? Like snow appears at random.
2. Ability to dive and search for some resources (pearls, shells, corals etc.)
3. On gaining skill (25, 50, 75, 100) ability to choose perks to make each Master unique (better quality, more chance to craft, chance to use less material, chance to gather more resources..) minor changes.
4. Crafted items, maybe add some crafter name on them? Or ability to carve name on item, because Xsyon hard world to advertise masters

This crosslinked with chance to make unique / exceptional items bit some bonuses (different rare colour, bonus to attribute, skill etc.)
5. Tracking skill. We need it to search for animals, for tribe enemies, for those who steal something etc. Let it be arrows directions, or some show on earth, the higher skill, the less distance between them.
6. Why we need to carry all tools on us? What is Tribe and houses for? Add ability to make some kind of workbench, let it be hard to make, and unable to move.
7. Plant crops, trees (!), flowers etc.
8. Rituals, shamanism, resource searching rituals, to reveal new spots on empty areas.
9. Why only junk? Let it be random ruins/houses/cars/planes with some rare materials, chests, boxes, dead bodies with rare tools/materials/items.
More to add, just started, sorry if posted already mentioned previously ideas, this maybe mean, they good enough to add