Looking to begin a neutral-aligned tribe. I've already got an awesome location picked out (claimed) and some pretty cool plans for building the town/keep. I've been playing for 5 or 6 months now and have lots of experience building and terraforming and have seen (and come up with myself) some pretty sweet ideas that are going to look awesome when finished. The most I can tell you about the location (don't want to give it away just before a wipe and have it get stolen hehe) is that it's right by a river/waterfall and also the main lake. There is a small hill upon which we can build our keep and a flat area surrounding the hill where the rest of our town can be. It is fairly close to a starting area (maybe 1 or 2 minutes of a run) but not directly visible from it. Junk piles are directly across the river, very close. My plans for between this wipe and the final wipe before release are to get a rough "sketch" if you will of the town and when the final wipe hits, get to making the town but having everything perfect, level, and meticulously done. I'm more than open to suggestion and other members' ideas on how to do this, so let me know here if you would like to begin a tribe with me and help design an awesome city. I don't have a name or really much else thought out on it, so lets get together and build this amazing tribe from the ground up! =)