I agree with naughty, PvP is a very important factor of a game and usually is the icing on the cake. Something that keeps players motivated for a long time and also adds a bit of a thrill. It has worked very well in other games and I am certain it will work well for Xsyon.

I can understand the need for safe zones and I believe they are okay as long as there are not too many of them. Having every tribe controlled area in the world being a safe zone for everybody is an example of too many safe zones in my opinion, especially since one can drop a tribe instantly almost anywhere without the need for any resources or skills.

If players of tribe A can be attacked anywhere when tribe B declares war on tribe A, thats okayish for now tho. And removing safe zones after half a year+ will be nice but thats such a long time for a game. I dont see the need for safe zones that long. Imho 2-3 months would suffice.

Looking forward to territorial conflicts and raiding parties. After all, this is society reforming after an apocalypse. Don't expect everybody to hold hands and sing along.