View Poll Results: Is the game ready for launch?

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  • Yes

    84 64.12%
  • No

    47 35.88%
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  1. #1

    Are we really ready for launch this time?

    I mean seriously I havn't played Xyson in quite awhile but it seems as though the same old bugs are still around. Do you guys feel the game is ready for launch the way it is? I have seen this too many times before, where developers launch hoping that they can fix the bugs during the launch and plan for future add-ons "combat" that should be finished before the game ever sees live.
    Quote Originally Posted by Massivley
    There have been some concerns in the beta community that combat isn't quite ready for release. You obviously feel differently given the March 1st launch date, but can you talk about any plans you may have to continue tweaking and balancing combat post-launch?
    Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Grau Davis
    We've had some problems with the current combat system not producing the desired effects. This will be revised before launch, but we do have bigger plans for a major revision post launch. Our player base has been asking for a Mount & Blade type of combat system and this is something we will look into when we are capable.
    I have tons of hope for this game an by no means wanna see it fail but lets not fall in the footsteps of another "post-promiser" that failed.

    Do you think its ready?

  2. #2
    I voted yes, But not because I think the game is where it needs to be. We all know there is things that need and have to be done. I voted yes because I know it has to go live to keep it going. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is running dry, And I would rather see it come out now, Than die off into yet another MMO that never made it to launch day.

  3. #3
    Yes it's ready. There are very few bugs if your operating system is in good workingings. Vista and Windows 7 both work very well with Xsyon if the Os dont have any problems in its self. Most people will say my machines fine and its Xsyon this is very wrong.

    I personally had issues on both vista and 7 but after alot of research fixing issues i had i was not aware of and then trying xsyon the game actually runs very nice. So yes i do beleve Xsyon is ready for Launch.

    If you still have issues i would suggest you go to my post read and follow them. I spent days and 12 to 16 hr days some times longer working on this and took time to post for every one. Most of the problems people have listed and posted i've had my self and all are fixed now. So yes please do what i done before you say Xsyon is not ready and full of bugs.

  4. #4
    There are tons of stuff that need a revision,theres a lo of stuff that must be added, and theres a lot of things that should be adressed before launch, at this point, the game is enought ready to kick in, get some funds and that way keep the hard work to make it better. but yeah, its somehow ready.

    Theres a big list of games with a bunch of money behind, they promised would be awesome, and was much more crappy than Xsyon actually. I.e Mortal Online, DF Online, Earthrise, and so on.

  5. #5
    As long as there's no need for further wipes it's ready. All we need for launch is quest system and daily update.
    For the first month or two tribes will be setting up their camps and bugs in combat system should be fixed by then. If combat will get overhaul later, we'll have to wait and see.

    We have to rebuild world from ashes so as long as new features will get in game when needed, it should be ok.

  6. #6
    With the quest-system implemented, it should be quite ready for launch, though the features taming, cooking and confort are still missing. But these three features are not so important that their missings would destroy the game. Moreover they will be probably implented soon after release.

  7. #7
    Xsyon Citizen Helith's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    north caroliina
    By far it is ready for release well for prelude and we have enough to deal with in prelude for a few months while they once again refund the funds. maybe build the team, and work on somethings they have planned to revise or change for awhile. By no means should anyone get in game and say wtf.. this game is still alpha...... i mean there is plenty to do and alot that wasn't released so as players we should still be getting used to things.

  8. #8
    TBH it isn't ready to be released with the bugs and issues in the game, but for being an indi company with a low budget and a small staff, it's what to be expected.

    I can understand the need to get some initial cash flow in to help maintain the game and the staff, so by that I am fine with it being released. I think it will be better received if they are straight up and honest with it by stating there are a number of issues with the game that are being actively worked on. That the user should not expect a perfect and polished game by any means, but that there is a need for revenue generation to continue with development.

    Hell, we are all here cause we shelled out the $40 + 2 months gameplay because we understand the situation. They are also giving us 2 months, so it tells us they are doing it for raising capital rather than trying to pull a fast one on us. Look at FFXIV they have yet to even charge for monthly fees cause the game is shit and the promised so much. Lying will just piss off the user base.

    Just be straight and upfront about the current situation.

  9. #9
    Turn on world update + decays for item and well cool start for release

  10. #10
    I'm just worried of the chances of a server wipe been needed after prelude for the implementation of patches and features.

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