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  1. #1
    Anymore info on safe zones and territory control? A lot of people looking at this waiting to see how he handles it. To me this could make or break the game. You need something to fight over.

  2. #2
    So if I set up a tribe and its neutral or good aligned, and I know gates are coming, can the gate be set so that "evil" characters can't use that gate???

    Can I section off a part of the tribal area where only certain people have access? Set like a pass phrase you have to enter for the gate to open? or have to be set a certain rank in the tribe to able to go past that gate?

  3. #3


    Do architecture buildings that require multiple components allow for differences in colour/fabric?

    For example a lumberjack tent, can I use 1 red wool 1 green linen and 2 blue denim tarps? Or do they all have to be exactly the same as in 4 green linen, 4 blue denim etc.

    Considering the vast area (I quite like this) of cloth and colours this might make architecture a bit more difficult than it needs to be.

  4. #4
    What will be after prelude? Is the game going to be in different ERA-s starting with the prelude?
    If so will the game go into modern civilization like it is today and beyond into future ?
    If it will be in ERA-s and we reach into modern civilication then the features that are in Prelude will be still in?
    Like New players starting in Prelude age and evolve into future? For example older players have modern guns and you only have knife and axe? Like future vs stoneage ?

    Will there ever be customizable houses and buildings? Like castles and keeps where we have many floors and you actually can walk inside and build additional parts of the castle, expand it and build new floors on it? Something like in Sims franchise has - custom build houses not pre made models.

    Will the game graphics will stay same or replaced with more better one in future?

    Will there ever be terraforrming like making holes into mountain? With some kind of drilling machine? Tunnels mines etc ?

    Will there ever be boats/ships? That can be built and used to move on water?

    Will there ever be structures like bridges that could be placed over the rivers?

    Will there ever be possibility to expand the Tribe territories (after the maximum user limit is hit) with some kind of land control towers? (Just like in Settlers 4)
    And the claim towers would be vunerable to attacks and when destroyed the land would be lost? (The structures inside that land would became vunerable to attacks)

    Will the game world be expanded further into different landscapes than the current one is ? Like sea and other continents where u possibly can get only with boats/ships?
    If so will there be weather conditins like storm on sea that could sink the boats/ships?

    Will there ever be introduced Mining where you could get materials like Gold, Silver, Bronse, Iron and many other materials ?

    On the loading screen of the game there is 2 man sitting on a camp fire and background there is huge modern skyscrapers. Are this is the part of where the game will go or just random picture not related to future game content?

    Will we ever be able to build skyscrapers just like on the loading screen of the game?

    If the game goes into the future will be able to eventually build skyscrapers etc? What would happen with the current game landscape?

    If the game would go in to the far future will there be features like space, other planets, spaceships, space warfare, crew inside spaceships etc?

    I know some of these questions might be kind of "out of box" but as this is so far most feature rich game and I would like to know where this game owner plans are with this game.
    Where he wants to go with this game. Into future or only stoneage kind of future (Like we are going to get the ultimate tech or have to be in stoneage with guns)

  5. #5
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Germany ... NO U!
    Will we be able to transfer our characters from NA to EU server?

  6. #6
    When new skills are added to the game that use Charm will our stat points be refunded so we can realocate them?

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