Tribe name: Sveinshavn
Tribe leader: Thora
Tribe alignment: Good
Purpose: To provide a friendly, relaxed and casual role-playing environment within the Xsyon setting.
RP Flavor: We're aiming for a Norse/Viking influence with a modern twist. The Xsyon setting allows for plenty of creative freedom. We don't have to play cultures straight from the history books. Vikings using rusting car doors as shields with war axes whose blades came from scrapped wood saws sorta shatters the notion that the tribe will be 'pure' Viking. So we're shooting for Viking flavored post apocalyptic survivors.
Religion is a deeply personal thing, both in real life and for our characters in the game. According to the game's setting literature, the Gods have reawakened, wiped the area clean, and plopped us down in the valley with little or no memories of the world before. That's a pretty direct, and massive, act of divine intervention. Hard NOT to RP some sort of religious aspect then. Therefore Sveinshavn will partake in some of the old pagan practices of the Vikings, Germanic and whatever else seems to 'fit', and form its own eclectic religion.
Village building: More here in a bit.
Ragnarök and Fimbulvetr: In Norse mythology, Ragnarök is a series of future events, including a great battle foretold to ultimately result in the death of a number of major figures, the occurrence of various natural disasters, and the subsequent submersion of the world in water. Afterward, the world will resurface anew and fertile, the surviving and reborn gods will meet, and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors.
Prior to Ragnarök will come a time known as Fimbulvetr, the harsh winter that precedes the end of the world and puts an end to all life on Earth. Fimbulwinter is three successive winters where snow comes in from all directions, without any intervening summer. During this time, there will be innumerable wars and brothers will kill brothers.
And here we are, newborns within a world wiped clean by mankind's brutal depravities and awoken Gods who would tolerate them no more.