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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Melkrow View Post
    This truly must be your first MMO that you followed pre-launch. You are a very very delusional person.
    Google translate says it means I'm an amazing person....but I'm pretty sure you didn't mean that, lol.

  2. #62
    Xyson does not advertise itself as a sim builder

    (btw im the dude who made this thread) - I did not expect such a response from people.

    I've played many games that call themselves "sandboxes" so im fairly experienced and if anyone from MO is here, then they should know of my name as im a regular user there.

    I do not consider myself someone who goes out there killing people randomly, the game advertises PVP, PVP, does not mean senseless ganking....heck if that is the case then this game will "attract alot of hardcore pvpers and griefers because the only player vs player this game currently offers is "senseless hardcore ganking" (I won't say PVP, because people think pvp is griefing)

    I am not interested in something like that, if xyson calls itself a sandbox then it need to let the players decide their course by allowing as much freedom as possible and if it doesn't, then it is not a true sandbox in that sense.

    I currently play mortal online, i am a merchant right now, I do not even PVP (ride around and gank randoms) ......I don't even have a red dude.

    But, I taken part in the great "northern" war, and the affects of some of my actions can still be seen with the chaos alliance which I was once apart of (Founded it with wz and aco)

    That is the pvp im attracted 2......

    Also what's the point of building up in this game? how many warehouses do you want to build? what's the difference between town A and town much different buildings can you build before it gets boring, building something again and again would just be meaningless.

    what will be driving your actions, what desires would you have?....the social aspect can go so far (do you want this to turn into hello kitty online)

    Player vs Player as the one I've described, increases the games longevity by far, because there's risk, its a challenge and its competing against other players.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by aliksteel View Post
    Troll, Ummm esudar I mean. Before you start talking crap, How about taking some time and reading. If you had, You would have seen this is not DF. This game is not built around PVP. It has PVP, but it's not PVP first and everything else second. If this is how you plan to start off on the Xsyon forums, Well maybe you need to head back over to DF. At lest there you will be with your own kind.

    The Crying Carebear!
    -Alik Steel
    Wow, I just registered and this is one of the most offensive posts I've seen on any gaming forum. Why? It wouldn't be that bad if it was obviously just a child venting anger or frustration. However, when an adult actively tries to make someone else's opinion invalid with his own, I find that disgusting. Do you know why you responded with such venom and hate? It is because you are full of fear. You're scared that this game will get populated with people who enjoy pvp and conquering nations. You are scared that the game won't turn out how you want it to be. So, instead of stating your opinion of why the idea doesn't fit here, you attack the OP by throwing insults. To be honest, I think "your kind", to quote you, are the ones that I'd like to avoid.

  4. #64
    Very interesting discussion. I like the idea of Tribal warfare and I agree with many of the concerns about it. But at this point, there isn't enough information about it (from what I have seen) to really complain or complement it. What I do think is that the developers seem to be listening and acting on player feedback. This means its a good bet that it will be something that most of the community will enjoy. If course not everybody, because you can't please everybody.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    location location.
    I literally just heard about this game last night. I was and am extremely excited, but at the moment I am unable to play due to technical issues with my computer.

    However, if I may add my two cents:

    I think that clan/guild/tribal warfare and PvP is one of the driving forces behind any game that wishes to be a sandbox. After all, why build a safe place if there is no threat outside? Why craft weapons and armor if there is no chance of them being needed? Long story short, what meaning is there behind the ability to create if there is not also the equal ability to destroy? In the end, it'd be like masturbation; fun while it lasts, and satisfying when you finish, but ultimately pointless.

    I understand holding off on the warfare aspect long enough for the tribes to get established, but that should only take a month or maybe two. But it must be implemented. Especially in a world as mutable as Xsyon's. Changing the world is an important part of a sandbox game, but affecting other people is even more important, and the most effective way to do this is introduce a system of conquering. This not only opens up the game for actual competition, but paves the way for a political climate, sets the rather merciless tone that should exist in a post-apocalyptic game, and makes room for the "wolves" of the gaming world who add actual excitement.

    Don't misunderstand me; I'm not even much of a PvPer. I enjoy it, occasionally, but games like Darkfall and Mortal that offer nothing but PvP bore me. When I meet someone in the wild, my first thought is not to kill them, but to see what it is they're doing and if they need any help. Really, I would classify myself as an RP'er and explorer. That's why I'm so attracted to Xsyon - it has a strong base and build up of the other critical aspects as well. But I do not like the idea of player interaction being limited, especially in a game as open as Xsyon. And player interaction does, occasionally, include killing other players and waging wars.

    Should there be consequences? Certainly. I did, for a long time, play a red character in UO, and whereas some people whined about penalties, I embraced them. Only the toughest should be able to actually survive as an outlaw. Likewise, a tribe that tries to conquer the world should be vulnerable if it over-extends itself. Not only does the make the game more "carebear" friendly (and I use the term sarcastically), but it gives the would-be conquers a way to play the game as they wish, too.

    Should there be a reason not to kill and conquer? Yes. I am willing to wager my life that, if the apocalypse did come, that the entire world would not devolve into a mindless mass of murderers. Humans are pre-programmed to make it difficult to kill your fellows, and we are herd creatures, so we are naturally inclined to work together. The game should have mechanics to mirror this effect.

    But should we create artificial limitations that keep it from happening? No. Simply put, if I for some reason want to kill you, I should be able to simply walk up and pick a fight. If I want to get my tribe together and take your land from you, or force you to obey me, I should likewise be able to wage war. I like AlexTaldren's ideas about assimilation, annexation, and pillage. Those happen much more often in real life than utter destruction - most times, despite what your government tells you, wars are not about justice or liberation; they are about the acquiring of resources, human and natural. That's something most game developers don't seem to understand, instead making your only recourse to annihilate. Annihilation is also, sadly, now what most gamers expect from "siege warfare." I think that if Xsyon creates a system of subjugation rather than eradication, it could be a huge step for the industry. But I digress.

    Anyway, that's my two (or three or four) cents, as stated above.

  6. #66
    I dont know why all these PvPers are complaining so much. You would think they would be happy the carebears are getting a chance to mount a challenge for them first. Unless of course they feel they wont be able to conquer anyone if its challenging.......

  7. #67
    I'm not a fan of stat loss upon death (major character handicap unless the loss can be recouped in a decent amount of time), and more so one of XP and loot loss. I feel it's only normal you be left naked in the middle of nowhere after being killed, and everyone should expect this. Thieves and headhunters will be making this their bread and butter after all. Afraid of pvp? Seek the security of a tribe, or be extremely vigilant and ready to defend/run.

    This world isn't meant to be a utopia after the fall, but a lawless land that sees humanity revert to it's roots. The duality of man ensures that both good and evil will thrive, and the key to all our enjoyment in this game will be to find a balance of both. Griefers of course are the AIDS of MMOs, and are NOT, in my opinion, a reflection of the of true player killers.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by Armand View Post
    I'm not a fan of stat loss upon death (major character handicap unless the loss can be recouped in a decent amount of time), and more so one of XP and loot loss. I feel it's only normal you be left naked in the middle of nowhere after being killed, and everyone should expect this. Thieves and headhunters will be making this their bread and butter after all. Afraid of pvp? Seek the security of a tribe, or be extremely vigilant and ready to defend/run.

    This world isn't meant to be a utopia after the fall, but a lawless land that sees humanity revert to it's roots. The duality of man ensures that both good and evil will thrive, and the key to all our enjoyment in this game will be to find a balance of both. Griefers of course are the AIDS of MMOs, and are NOT, in my opinion, a reflection of the of true player killers.
    While I think this is a great post I have to ask in what light do you deem griefers as this is a loosely used phrase and has so many meanings. Killing someone once can be deemed as grief.

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Tashohnie View Post
    While I think this is a great post I have to ask in what light do you deem griefers as this is a loosely used phrase and has so many meanings. Killing someone once can be deemed as grief.
    I see griefers as people who exploit game weaknesses in order to make life miserable for honest players. An example I can think of right off the bat is camping spawn points (respawn I believe won't be a problem in this game), another is purposely creating lag through various means while in combat. There are a few possible ones that I'd rather keep to myself for fear of giving people any ideas.

    The way I see it, death by PK (yes, even 10 vs 1 encounters) is to be expected. People need to learn to play smart and adapt to the constant threat of people who choose to align themselves evil. Easy = boring.

  10. #70
    Been away from the forums for months as it was getting too repetitive for me. I see the Carebear Propaganda machine is still in full swing though and its not really any different. Every single thread relating to pvp saturated with denials about pvp/war etc as if they are part of the dev team, and not in the dark like rest of us.

    Any chance you could give it a rest guys and stop trying to make something true by posting it 1000 times. I'd really like to know what the mechanics and penalties of pvp etc are but searching through so many threads that have been saturated with your "helpful" little comments is as tiring as being Forrest Gump out for a jog.

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