Well, here is my take on this.

1. People will absolutely be crying and leaving the game if Tribe Wars feature comes out and they have a chance to lose everything that they've worked for in the last year (yeah it's probably more than a year by the time 'prelude' is over). This being a game with full local storage, people will in fact lose 'everything' (if the system doesn't change) when their tribe/town is taken/destroyed. This leads me to believe that rather than doing this Jooky will simply keep the current formula and tribes will stay protected forever, and will probably take another approach similar to Border Kingdoms in AoC where tribes can go and fight for whatever. Shame honestly, takes away from the sandbox.

2. Now what people really don't seem to get is that the current system (Prelude) greatly encourages and promotes ganking and griefing. W/out adding any meaning to PVP, without having any political implications, without having any purpose to it, the PVP that will be found in Xsyon will be a PRIME griefing gankfest type of PVP, it's gonna be pathetic. The game promotes that behavior because people will have nothing better to fight over. I can already see an entire tribe 'locked' within their protection radius by griefers who are waiting on the border for them to step out. Griefers will have more fun in this scenario while listening to the cries of others. The anti-pvp/war population will find themselves slowly leaving the game because they realize they fucked it up when they insisted on not providing a better and more meaningful outlet for PVPers to partake in.