You have misunderstood me. I was not making that assumption. As I understand it, the game currently awards you less experience points for doing the same action repeatedly instead of doing a variety of different actions. So I was saying that getting less experience points might discourage someone from macroing the same action repeatedly, not that having a clunky interface that requires clicking each material and tool for each crafting attempt would discourage it.
That's fine. I dont care about less xp. I do however care about my arthritic hands.
It sounds like you are asking for batch-crafting. Fine, but I still think you should get less xp for doing a big batch of one thing as opposed to someone who does a variety of tasks. The game is supposed to be a post-apocalyptic survival game not a sweat-shop simulator.
That's exactly what I'm hoping for. Batch crafting. and perhaps a slider to alolow you to cycle through yur recipes faster. I played UO for roughly 13 years, and it destroyed my hands and wrists, not to mention I've been a professional tattoo artist for 20 years now. I start to ache after a while of doing stupid stuff like crafting.
To me it's about encouraging players to
play the game. If you are contemplating doing something in a game that seems like such a hassle that you want to automate it then is it really gameplay? It's like an arms race in a game that has pvp elements; if everyone insists on doing things that are no fun to get an advantage then others are compelled to do it too just to stay competitive and the game gets less fun. If the game makes unfun things less advantageous I say that's a good thing.
I am pretty sure it's already like that. At least I have always have started with tools that match my chosen skills.
like i said earlier not everyone is spawning with the required tools of their trade. I did not get a fishing pole when i chose fishing as a starting skill.
This is a great idea. I think the "leave a bag of tools for yourself and reroll" exploit needs stopped before release.
These are all good suggestions too. Edit: After reading Niburu's point about the tribe identification being a part of the strategy, I have to agree. Having player names colored to identify friend or foe is probably unnecessary.
like I said some will disagree with some of my requests.
I don't know about the player status request. I like that the game expects you to experiment and use your intuition instead of giving you stats to plug into a spreadsheet like so many other games, eventually leading to tribes kicking out members for having a low GearScore...