The wife and I are looking for a noob-friendly tribe to explore Xsyon with. We are more interested in city/community building than more destruction. Happy to create whatever is needed to join the effort. We are mature,social players who enjoy a bit of RP. We do not care for overt PvP griefers but are prepared to help snuff them out if needed.
I'm already in the beta checking things out and she will follow if all looks good.
So if you are active and think we sound like a good fit then please reply!
Welcome Check out Hopi, we are mature 18+ tribe with very friendly players and happy to help out newcomers. We chose good alignment and griefing/ganking is against our rules. Our tribe is focused on building/crafting and rebuilding the society, but we definitely protect our members from PKers. You can read more here:
Feel free to pm me if you have any questions.
If you would like to apply click on my signature that will take you to our site. Hope to see you ingame soon, and have fun
If you are looking for a smaller group with close ties you can check Borealis out. We don't have a fancy website or anything but we do have Ventrilo and friendship. We focus on teamwork to offset our lack of numbers. There are about 8 of us living off the mountains and you are welcome to say hi if you'd like. I'm Otter in game.