Humanity had brought The Apocalypse upon themselves and their beloved world. As the dust from the Great War laid itself to rest, the destruction dawned upon the few and scattered survivors.
As time passed, the old Lux Arcana members searching for familiar faces, clinging to the few memories of their glorious past discovered each other and formed Lux Arcana once again to rebuild and spread the word of the resurrection of the proud guild Lux Arcana. Soon, more members found their way to the camp. Lux Arcana grew larger. Problems with space arose and Lux Arcana decided to move. Now, we seek to secure our right to the land and rebuild our former glory.
Key Facts
Size: 10+ active members (this is number in division not overall)
Focus: PvP, PvE, Trading, Crafting
Time Zone: Mostly European, but include people from across the World (English speaking).
Hours per week: Less important as long as you contribute/get involved!
Ages/Outlook: 18+, mature, helpful, friendly and outgoing
Web Site:
Voicecomms: Required (we currently use Mumble)

Lux Arcana is a multi-game guild that was founded as a community for European MMO players with a "casual" but "dedicated" play style and have since Darkfall been an International Guild. By "casual" we mean players that have other commitments in real life such as their job, family or other interests, and whose play time may be fairly random. By "dedicated" we mean players that will immerse themselves fully in each game we play and give 100% to the guild.
Lux Arcana's main goal in Xsyon is to get involved and evolve our immediate surroundings and once settled we will begin to influence the world. We do, however, focus on the PvP aspect of the game. This includes but is not limitted to; training nights/patrolling our territory in the beginning and later on tournaments and raid parties.
Lux Arcana have opened up for diplomacy. You can either contact a Game Moderator in-game or through the public Xsyon forum at the Lux Arcana portal.
Currently the guild takes a neutral stand towards other players and tribes but we do not tolerate intrusion on our grounds or harassment of our players.
Although we take upon a neutral stand in the beginning this is not to limit the players in the tribe. We believe that flexibility of a tribe is what will bring glory and as such we will harbour any player regardless of their 'faction' and standpoint in the World.
Due to the PvP system being full-loot, Lux Arcana will provide an internal and external trading system as support that will draft from PvE, crafting and gathering. Through this system Lux Arcana will trade with other tribes to ensure most resources can be provided for both guild and personal uses.
The system is likely to be based on the in-game quest system.
Lux Arcana is a highly organized and determined multi game guild and because of this we are looking for members who share our dedication and determination. In return Lux Arcana offers a stable and friendly community.
Please visit our website for further details about our history.
We Accept
Adults (i.e. 18+) with a mature, friendly and outgoing attitude to life.
Casual but dedicated players who like to play hard when they can! Players used to grouping, contributing and getting involved in a guild. We are NOT a guild for solo players, unsocial players or selfish players. You must be a team player.
There are, currently, no other specific requirements.
Highly Desirable
- Warriors
- Gatherers
- Crafters
Players that are creative or that have strong organisational skills. We want proactive members. Players that show a passion for the game, for helping fellow members and getting things done! In particular we need fighters, explorers, gatherers, crafters and players willing to learn everything there is to know about this game.
Not Acceptable
Immature players. Players that whine, complain and do not accept guild policy. Players with negative attitudes, who are only out for themselves and whinge over not getting "their share" of battle loot. Aggressive or anti-social players. We do not tolerate l33t speak - proper English please! Keep trash talking to an absolute minimum - in character NOT personal!
Guilds Interested in Merging
Lux Arcana has a 7+ year gaming history, and during that time we have handled numerous smaller guilds merging with us. If you are in a small guild or unguilded group of friends that is looking to merge with a bigger guild then please contact Ashreon or Pinner.
For more information please check out our site at: