Well I've jumped in with both feet, and am in the download process atm. But, I'm coming in with my eyes wide open. I've been watching the progress of Xsyon for quite awhile along with a few other games, and hoping that one of them would hit the nail. I'm betting my money on this one and willing to put it, my money, where my mouth is + I hope the developers make a sh*t load of $$$ on being right, following their dream and knowing what a real "sandbox" is and sticking to it.
The reason I'm jumping in is if this is the one, there is no place like being there at the beginning, and the really good ones are worth it. I should know, I've been there at the very start of a few of them...UO, Realm, pre-cu SWG, Guild Wars and even DF, though I wouldn't give a penny for MO and that wasn't one I was willing to finance and others of that ilk that believed all players were fools.
Now the proof will be in the puddin' as they say, and if they can deliver on the rest of the goods then the best of times are ahead. The procession plans for this game sound excellent and the devs also state that they will use some of the players ideas, and by golly I've read many good ideas from players that loved their "games", and would think....oh, if they would only listen, the devs that is.
That all up there above this line being said...thank you SaintBob for your vids...thanks to you Willbonney, WooHoo you are quite a writer, and last but not least, thanks Tredo, I know..... /y is global and /w is whisper.
Cya ingame