So theres a big problem, u enter someones tribe land and they can attack you but u cant attack them because they are on their tribe land.. needs to be fixed.
So theres a big problem, u enter someones tribe land and they can attack you but u cant attack them because they are on their tribe land.. needs to be fixed.
Just to let ya know, that is on purpose to give tribes the chance to build their civilization up without having to worry about pvp for the time being. Eventually, within a few months after release, the protection will be removed.
i read this thread ( ) and i am a little bit confused about the alignment system. It may caused by my lack of english language knowledge so it would be nice if someone would explain me the actual mechanics about pvp and alignment seperated for whats the plan to do with it.
Actually i want to found a neutral Tribe, but i don't wat to carebear around, i would like to have the tension to be caught by evil tribes in my tribearea.
What i know or suggest is....
that good tribes cannot attack another good tribes in their tribearea, but what happens if a good aligned player attacks another good outside in the wilderness?
Where can i see my individual alignment and what would happen if a good player in a good tribe turns neutral or evil, will he be auto kicked from the tribe?
good players die and get intio ghost mode where they can run for a minute and spawn again. Is his body lootable while he's in ghost mode, even if he's killed by a mob?
evil players spawn at their totems, but what about griefers who aren't in a evil tribe?
sorry if this questions are already answered, but i havent the time to search hundreds of posts in differnet threads
about that :-/
I hope someone could finally clear up all the things about alignment and pvp as it is actually implemented and as it is planned for the future.
i dont think this is intented to be like this, yesterday i ran by someones totem, he was fishing. he looked at me, unseathed his weapons and killed me. i couldnt defend. i couldnt go back to take a revenge cos he was under his totem, and he got all my tools. this should be adressed, something like killing rights of people who murdered you, and with those killing rights u could kill people back even in theyre totem.
something like eve, this could work well for the prelude.
obviously you should be allowed to fight back if attacked, no matter where or who it is oO
I don't know all the details, but thats's how it should work. Good/neutral players can kill only evil players even on their tribal land without consequenses(becomig outcasts), unless player is caught stealing on their land. I think only "famous"/ known evil players will be marked by visible name probably red. So even as a regular evil person you probably won't be attacked on sight.
This thread might explain some things:
we need to inform xsyon then. surely that is not by design.
You should submit a bug report, because its not meant to be like that. If a good aligned player attacks you while in their totem area, they are supposed to become flagged evil, and you can attack them back. Clearly that isnt working going by this thread.
Good question, I would like to see Jooky answer this one. Perhaps post this question in the developer zone for the Q&A.that good tribes cannot attack another good tribes in their tribearea, but what happens if a good aligned player attacks another good outside in the wilderness?
Another good question. I dont think you can currently see your individual alignment anywhere, this needs to change. Again, I would also like to know what happens to a newly evil player in a good tribe. Again, maybe post this question in the dev zone.Where can i see my individual alignment and what would happen if a good player in a good tribe turns neutral or evil, will he be auto kicked from the tribe?
Yes, you are lootable once you are killed, even by a mob, and yes, while youre in ghost mode. The ghost mode is being changed too, hopefully before release, as we are now supposed to be respawning at our totem, not on the spot we died, or nearby.good players die and get intio ghost mode where they can run for a minute and spawn again. Is his body lootable while he's in ghost mode, even if he's killed by a mob?
See above question.evil players spawn at their totems, but what about griefers who aren't in a evil tribe?