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  1. #1

    Exclamation OK Seriously how does alignment system work!

    As far as I am aware anyone can become evil good or neutral.. Now my questions are following:

    What kind of penalties and benefits are of each alignment?

    How do we track how far are we from becoming evil or neutral or good?

    And what things we do as tribe to improve or demote our alignments?

  2. #2
    My understanding is that you choose your alignment. Then, the only differences is that if you are evil then you can attack anyone. If you are good or neutral you can only attack evil.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by mrcalhou View Post
    My understanding is that you choose your alignment. Then, the only differences is that if you are evil then you can attack anyone. If you are good or neutral you can only attack evil.
    i need confirmation on this but still questions are not answeared

  4. #4 there have fun reading, when you ahve read it all you can come back asking questions and complaining about combat.

  5. #5
    GuideRague - Neutral/Good players should not be able to attack anyone other than evil, and evil can more or less attack everyone

    STAR_GOD can you just exapnd on one point
    GuideRaguel but please be assured you will know before launch
    STAR_GOD you said if you evil u can attack neutral and good does it include tribal area
    STAR_GOD or that is not confirmed too
    GuideRaguel That is not confirmed also

  6. #6
    I really hope this wont be the case that tribal areas can be attacked at any time they should only limit this to tribal wars or many people will quit

  7. #7
    Good/Neutral tribe areas are safe zones during Prelude, no one can attack you there.

    Benefit for evil: can full loot everyone
    Punishment: respawn at tribe totem, stat/skill loss when dies. Evil tribe zone is not safe.

    Benefit for good: safe tribe zone, can full loot only evils.
    respawn system is unconfirmed, right now good player respawn where they died, this may change to that they have choices where to respawn.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    Good/Neutral tribe areas are safe zones during Prelude, no one can attack you there.

    Benefit for evil: can full loot everyone
    Punishment: respawn at tribe totem, stat/skill loss when dies. Evil tribe zone is not safe.

    Benefit for good: safe tribe zone, can full loot only evils.
    respawn system is unconfirmed, right now good player respawn where they died, this may change to that they have choices where to respawn.
    what about neutrals

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by STAR_GOD View Post
    what about neutrals
    There is really hardly any info on neutrals, I think right now they are the same as good (I might be wrong though). I read somewhere that the difference will be seen when religion gets implemented in the game.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    Good/Neutral tribe areas are safe zones during Prelude, no one can attack you there.

    Benefit for evil: can full loot everyone
    Punishment: respawn at tribe totem, stat/skill loss when dies. Evil tribe zone is not safe.

    Benefit for good: safe tribe zone, can full loot only evils.
    respawn system is unconfirmed, right now good player respawn where they died, this may change to that they have choices where to respawn.
    I wonder, do you have any sources on that or are you just assuming?

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