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  1. #191
    Quote Originally Posted by ifireallymust View Post
    It's actually kind of funny that you think I'm pissed, because some days, I admit, it doesn't take much to piss me off! However, you have failed to quite strike the right note. Perhaps it's because I can see that you are more intelligent than the usual troll (which makes countering your posts an exercise in sharp wit rather than in bludgeoning you with simple nerd rage). It also helps that you are clearly trying to piss me off, which of course, being the contrary person I am, makes me inclined to do the opposite of what you want. I'm afraid you lose this round, better luck next time!

    (Are you going to post any Jooky quotes that back your assertions about his vision for Xsyon, by the way? This sparring has been entertaining, but still not very informative!)
    / applause

    November 4th:
    Q:Will every item (tent, shack, fence, wall, teepee, or whatever else is in the architect recipes) have to be placed / dropped on tribal land?

    A:For now, yes.

    I originally planned to allow building outside tribe lands, but it would cause too many problems (imagine waking up to a wall built around your city for example). If I allow buildings to be destroyed if built on non tribal land, someone will destroy them right away. I have some future ideas for all of this, including small homesteads for solo players, but this will evolve with the game.
    Questions for the week of 12/19 through 12/26:
    Q:Are there plans to allow tents etc, to be set up by single players outside of tribes territory?

    A:No, but players can create single player tibes. I may allow building outside of tribe territories later, but they won't be protected as in tribe zones.

  2. #192
    Quote Originally Posted by Tehralph View Post
    1 man can claim 800 square meters of land, even though that 1 man can only use 75 square meters alone. 800 square meters of open, untouchable land, because a single person put down a totem. If you think thats not a big deal, then youre selfish, because it quickly takes up land when it consumes 1/4 of a quadrant.
    Not sure where you numbers are coming from.... 1 man totem is 50m from totem to edge. That is 100m across so 100m x 3.14 is 314 square meters way shorter then your 800m that you are saying is a 1 man tribe. I have done this many times and come to the same 100m across from edge to edge. If you want to throw out a huge number for 1 man tribes, please make sure its accurate.

  3. #193
    Quote Originally Posted by ifireallymust View Post
    I completely agree that no one should be allowed to grief in this fashion. However, the solution seems to give large tribes an opportunity to grief smaller tribes and soloers by letting them coordinate a setup that excludes everyone else from good spots, surrounds and entraps the small tribes and solo players, and controls all the rivers and roads, if there are enough of them to manage it, and there may well be. If that isn't a recipe for griefing, what is?
    Why in gods name would we go through all that effort to entrap those people? We're not greifers, we're PvPers. There is a difference, trust me. And we're going for good spots, but that's what scouting is for. We had our digs, but we found better ones. Do the same, thats what this game was designed for.

  4. #194
    Very good, thank you for your quote. At least in this matter, you have proven that solo players were given access to something we would not originally have had. I believe in my case, if this restriction had remained, but two person tribes were permitted a tribe zone, I would have purchased a second account to preserve autonomy, which isn't really something I should spend money on right now.

    Nevertheless, a majority of players in the posted poll are not going to be in the game on day 1 if their plans don't change and the delay is implemented. I still consider it an unfair and divisive way to prevent griefing. Zoning would, in my opinion, be better. Want some realism to go with it? Hunter gatherer and primitive farming communities that supplement their nutritional requirements with hunting and gathering can't form groups too large for the surrounding area to sustain them. So if an area had less game, fish, or plants necessary to the tribe, it would be more suited to smaller tribes or solo players. Just don't look too closely at that explanation for zoning and it won't fall apart!

  5. #195
    Quote Originally Posted by otomotopia View Post
    Why in gods name would we go through all that effort to entrap those people? We're not greifers, we're PvPers. There is a difference, trust me.
    You're right, there is a difference and that difference does exist in the game right now. There are those that would form tribes, and do just that, go through the trouble to do whatever it took to grief a player till they quit. I have no idea what drives a person to play a video game to that extent, however, those players are here in game at this very point in time. These players are the reason for all these changes. There has to be a way to combat those players that would ruin a game and cause chaos for the players, the guides, and the developers.

  6. #196
    Quote Originally Posted by tredo View Post
    You're right, there is a difference and that difference does exist in the game right now. There are those that would form tribes, and do just that, go through the trouble to do whatever it took to grief a player till they quit. I have no idea what drives a person to play a video game to that extent, however, those players are here in game at this very point in time. These players are the reason for all these changes. There has to be a way to combat those players that would ruin a game and cause chaos for the players, the guides, and the developers.
    Dude, I completely agree with this, and that's the best part of this. I think PvP is fun, and I think that PvE is fun. I see soloist's worries on being camped, and I do think they are legitimate concerns as well. In my opinion, this is a good change that effects the TEMPORARY measure that Jodi put in to combat the greifing, but now that its nearing release, resources need to be given to those who would have them either way and, really, need more of them. Your worries are Jodi's worries- he doesn't want greifing because its a game ruiner for a lot of people, as it is no longer 'fun.' If all the worries are about loosing saftey against greifing, you shouldn't be worried. Yes, you should always be worried about PvP, but not greifing.

  7. #197
    I dunno about everyone else but I plan on having a TON of fun for the 2-4 days I can't plant my totem. I will be rerolling like a fool, runing out to where I want to plant and filling basket after basket with saws and picks and shovel to sell to all the large tribe people who are already cutting down trees and carving rivers on thier plots. And when I'm done rerolling enough, and have the exact random recipes I want to start with, I'm gonna dig in like a badger on my desired plot swingin at any tribal member who gets within 200 yards of my plot. I may not be able to claim it for 2-4 days, but I'm damn sure gona make it a tough catch for anyone who wants it from me.

    Oh and if your price is rigth I might let ya have it, say 4-6 months protection of me and my 'other plot' along with dibs on some trade deals later on. All they are saying is I can't drop my totem, nobody said I can't go out and pick a spot and protect my land from claim jumpers.

  8. #198
    Quote Originally Posted by river111 View Post
    I dunno about everyone else but I plan on having a TON of fun for the 2-4 days I can't plant my totem. I will be rerolling like a fool, runing out to where I want to plant and filling basket after basket with saws and picks and shovel to sell to all the large tribe people who are already cutting down trees and carving rivers on thier plots. And when I'm done rerolling enough, and have the exact random recipes I want to start with, I'm gonna dig in like a badger on my desired plot swingin at any tribal member who gets within 200 yards of my plot. I may not be able to claim it for 2-4 days, but I'm damn sure gona make it a tough catch for anyone who wants it from me.

    Oh and if your price is rigth I might let ya have it, say 4-6 months protection of me and my 'other plot' along with dibs on some trade deals later on. All they are saying is I can't drop my totem, nobody said I can't go out and pick a spot and protect my land from claim jumpers.
    Damn straight! Seriously, this is exactly what I like to hear as a player in this game. Be an oppertunist, not a target. You've got the right idea friend.

  9. #199
    Quote Originally Posted by tommybomb View Post
    Maybe the solution is to allow everyone to place where they want, and for the first 2 days just make Tribe totems trump homesteads?

    A tribe wants your spot in the first 2 days and you have to move. That would prevent these socialites from plunking their tent in the middle of a field, and those that want to pick flowers alone can go into the woods and do that from Day 1.
    That would be griefing. Someone plants a home stead, a tribe shouldn't be able to take it by planting a totem.

  10. #200
    I find it interesting, why devs all cater to the tribes. From economical POV tribes are out of the big picture very shortly. Tribes gathering potential means, that all tradeskills can be powerleveled up in very short time. Now when we consider crafters output potential (single crafter could basically supply whole Xsyon given enough materials and there is no shortage of materials in a tribe, especially when they are given head start to claim best spots), it means, that a tribe will be self-sustainable in relatively short time and has NO reason whatsoever to interact with outside world. And I don't think devs want anyone to be self-sustainable, because everyone who is self-sustainable, is basically off the grid.

    So, IMO it should be quite opposite, tribes should have worst areas possible, so they HAVE to trade with others(or fight for resources at later stages).

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