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  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by FabricSoftener View Post
    why would you not place your homestead first? to be frank what you have just described is true right now even between larger tribes. if you are going to stay at a place long enough to justify a few bins its time to remove the head from the ass and place a homestead.

    For the first few days after the final wipe, only Tribes of 10 members will be able to place totems. I may lower this number, based on current tribe sizes after I examine the database.

    After a few days, solo players will be able to claim Homesteads.
    From the announcements today, after the final wipe, solo players wont be able to do that for a few days, so during that few days I have no choice but to be open to whatever happens on that spot I have picked out.

  2. #52
    Xsyon Citizen Phayz's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=orious13;41061]I'm a "solo" player ( I want to start off solo...), but this choice about having a few days difference between homestead placement and tribe placement makes complete sense to me. It would be VERY stupid if the game started out with a bunch of solo areas who got there quicker and then leaving the REAL tribes that would actually make the game flourish to have gotten pretty indecent spots. They'd then have to wait until siege mechanics work so they could kick you the heck out of it... which is what would probably happen. Or they'd just stalk your area so that you couldn't do anything except heed to their will.Think about it solo players... This is a way to sculpt a better future for the game. If my spot is taken (kinda doubt it) in a few days, I'll gladly join up with whoever has taken it as long as they are neutral or good.

    I do agree with this in a sense I guess it is good to protect soloers from taking huge chucks of land, unfortunately in my case i am just looking for a little spot by the river top pitch a tent and grow I don;t need or want a big chuck on land in the middle of everything, just a little out of the way place, prefereable safe

  3. #53
    Bad idea. I can't support this in the least. I CAN see the logic in wanting the larger, more organized tribes to be able to hold the large swaths of decent land, I just don't agree with the logic of limiting critical game features to a sub-set of players. Make homesteads smaller, don't allow questing on the totem, whatever, but don't take away our ability to claim land.

    Seriously, if a big tribe needs me to move my totem over a bit so they can squeeze into a spot, then they can trade/bribe me to move, or just take the evil route and gank me every time I step out. If they ask nicely, and promise not to make me KOS just because I accidentally drank water from one tiny unused corner of thier claim I would be happy to move a few meters down the road; a mutual non-aggression pact where we could harvest on each others land, within limits of course--no chopping down all their trees and vice versa.


  4. #54
    So reduce the size of a homestead... simple solution!!
    That is what I am setting up.

    The plan to let tribes place totems first is to prevent griefing. Another potential solution is to now allow players to place a totem, then disband, then place, disband etc. which is too easy for solo players to do. If I can implement this then solo players will be able to start tribes the same day as tribes.

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Drevar View Post
    Bad idea. I can't support this in the least. I CAN see the logic in wanting the larger, more organized tribes to be able to hold the large swaths of decent land, I just don't agree with the logic of limiting critical game features to a sub-set of players. Make homesteads smaller, don't allow questing on the totem, whatever, but don't take away our ability to claim land.

    Seriously, if a big tribe needs me to move my totem over a bit so they can squeeze into a spot, then they can trade/bribe me to move, or just take the evil route and gank me every time I step out. If they ask nicely, and promise not to make me KOS just because I accidentally drank water from one tiny unused corner of thier claim I would be happy to move a few meters down the road; a mutual non-aggression pact where we could harvest on each others land, within limits of course--no chopping down all their trees and vice versa.


    Exactly -

    I just don't see what the big deal is behind not letting solo players or small tribes get access to totem feature at the same time the big tribes get it.

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
    So reduce the size of a homestead.... simple solution.

    That is what I am setting up.

    The plan to let tribes place totems first is to prevent griefing. Another potential solution is to now allow players to place a totem, then disband, then place, disband etc. which is too easy for solo players to do. If I can implement this then solo players will be able to start tribes the same day as tribes.

    You could always put a timer on "homestead" totem placement, once placed it CAN'T be disbanded for 24 - 36 hours, people would think about totem placement before just throwing one down anywhere.

  7. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
    That is what I am setting up.

    The plan to let tribes place totems first is to prevent griefing. Another potential solution is to now allow players to place a totem, then disband, then place, disband etc. which is too easy for solo players to do. If I can implement this then solo players will be able to start tribes the same day as tribes.
    Nice, a timer on planting and abandoning a totem would work. It is currently very easy to relocate as soon as you find a spot that is 1% better 50m away. Perhaps you would need to hold the land for 3 days or so before you could plant another totem.


  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by Drevar View Post
    Nice, a timer on planting and abandoning a totem would work. It is currently very easy to relocate as soon as you find a spot that is 1% better 50m away. Perhaps you would need to hold the land for 3 days or so before you could plant another totem.

    I dont understand how this prevents that solo player from snatching a large chunk of land that a tribe wants. I could care less how much land hopping a solo player does, as long as he isnt able to reserve a maximum tribal area worth of land.

  9. #59
    Xsyon Citizen millsdo's Avatar
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    Well, this is to prevent the following which several large tribes have talked about doing:

    Having individual members run to good areas and mark the land. Then, they can take a day or two to decide which is the best spot.

    There are other reasons as well and I am for the change. Solo players, of which I am one, should be on small tracks of land and not in the prime real estate. It just makes sense.

  10. #60
    You could always put a timer on "homestead" totem placement, once placed it CAN'T be disbanded for 24 - 36 hours, people would think about totem placement before just throwing one down anywhere.
    Yes, this is what I'd like to do, if I can. The announced solution is to prepare everyone in case I don't have time. There are many things that need to be dealt with right now.

    The main issue is not simply a solo totem claiming a lot of land. With the reduced land claim that should be ok. The main issue is other griefing tactics that have come to my attention.

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