Quote Originally Posted by bankerandrew View Post
Dear devs...if u want a vibrant community...dont piss off small groups / solo players. Check your records u will find that most tribes cannot gather 10 people online at once to make a tribe and drop a totem. If u want this as tribes online, then say that bluntly. Just be ready for shit storm of refund requests.

All players should have equal access to the game on day 1. Preformed tribes should not have any benefit over any other group. You assume too much in doing this and create an un level playing field for to be formed tribes on release day. Tribe size should determine radius of safe zone..this is the only fair way to release and without this mechanic your game will be unsuccesful. Look at any other mmo that fails at this and u see a failed game. Postpone release until you figure this out 100% or watch all your efforts producing this sandbox go down toilet. No favoratism....look at ccp and negative reaction when thet meddled in the game events. My sand is no greater or less than anyone elses. We all deserve equal footing...that is why pvp exists. Let players settle location issues via pvp as it should be. If i cant play until 4 days after release u bet your ass i will be getting a refund. I wont play another game where devs favor one group over another. Its either sandbox or not.

The f'n end. Here some rope to hang your game by its neck. Your choice.
completely disagree with what you are saying and how you are saying it.

All you have to do to become a good pvp player in this game is to stop crying about wanting a safe zone and place baskets anywhere you want then craft up all your armory and weapons and put your little toys into the baskets. You dont even need a homestead to do that.