View Poll Results: Xsyon EU Server

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  • Yes

    60 33.71%
  • No

    118 66.29%
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  1. #91
    I think it is a very bad idea.

  2. #92
    Making both severs is a very very bad idea, specially with the few population that the game has at the moment. Even on release it would be a bad idea, plus it is something that isn't necessary right now.

  3. #93
    A few items here:

    1. from reading the post from the devs I dont think its up for a vote, its happening so discussion on it is a bit academic.
    2. useful travel in this game is very hard (by that i mean moving your stuff). so there are only a few thousand people you could ever reasonably interact with anyway.
    3. That said, I do think having effectively 4 servers in the plans (1 EU war, 1 EU pve, 1 NA war, 1 NA pve) might indeed be overally optomistic about the player base but like I said in 2, how many people can you interact with anyway?

  4. #94
    terrible idea for this type of game!

  5. #95
    the more I think about this the more I think it will be fine. From the combat I have done I dont yet understand why a ping of 200 vs 50 is really going to make much difference but I will assume I dont have a clue.
    With that assumption in place, when you consider that the current map is now almost too small given the current activity I think the current map will be just fine spilt in 2 and they can move the greenzone as they grow in numbers.

  6. #96
    I'm dying to pre-order, I really am, my only concern is population.. or lack of it, moreso when the European servers are thrown into the mix. I have high hopes for this game, I just can't see how splitting the community (atleast in it's current state) is beneficial.

  7. #97
    With this decision, i surely wont play and cancel the preorder. I suffered this crap on Darkfall, and wont do it again. Split a independent game comunity is the biggest error ever, hope you change your mind, or this will be the end.

  8. #98
    Hello everyone!

    This is definitely not an expected reaction! I've been getting requests for a European server all year.

    I'd like to clarify this situation.

    We are preparing a European server in case we need it. As I see this overall negative reaction, if we don't need the second server it will not be turned on until we physically need it. This is not a matter where we can upgrade the machine or bandwidth, we are already going to have the maximum available to us.

    I do plan to run a European download server as soon as possible and a trial server will be a necessity for free trials. I will not allow 'free trials' to create the possibility for players to create free accounts that would affect the live Xsyon world.

    There will be a point where the Xsyon world can't accomodate the population, and where the population on one server will be too large to form a tight cohesive community.

    The original plan that we will follow is to add new lands that run on separate but connected servers (much like what is done with EVE Online), this would effectively create neighborhoods of communities that play together, but this is not something that can be done overnight.

    If we grow too fast, we will have to split the world. We are not there yet, of course. I am simply preparing for this scenario. We are growing quickly and as many of you have probably noticed, this is without any advertisement or direct promotion on our part. I've answered a few interviews and announced the launch in early January, but that's all.

    If we do need additional servers, nobody will be forced to play on a specific server and players will be allowed to create characters on both servers. It will simply be an option. I was ready to offer than option now rather than later and that's all. If it does not seem necessary it will not be done.

    I hope that alleviates the concerns.

  9. #99
    People that are voting yes are only doing so for their own selfish reasons. I understand where you are coming from, but reducing your ping by 50ms is not going to make or break your game experience. If this is a case as Virtus has stated that two servers are needed in order two balance server load, why not instead of spending money on setting up new servers in a new location, just spend money on upgrading the current servers? I really, really do not care where they are located, they could be located in Antarctica for all I care, as long as we are all together building our community together.

    I come from an Eve background. One of the reasons I love Eve is that I can play with people all over the world. One of my alliances has 1500 people in it. We have people from every continent playing with us, from US, EU, Asia, South America, Africa, Oceanic (yes there is a China server, but it is vastly different from the eve client the rest of the world gets). It is wonderful. Eve started out as a single server and continually over the past 8 years they have upgraded their hardware in order to allow for more people to play on it. Sure there are times where a 500 vs 500 ship battle will have extreme lag, but it has continually gotten better.

    I am just upset with this decision, and while I am not going to cancel my preorder just yet, for the first time while following this game I have serious reservations.

    EDIT: I just read your reply Jooky and that is good news. Thank you for the response.

  10. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
    Hello everyone!

    This is definitely not an expected reaction! I've been getting requests for a European server all year.

    I'd like to clarify this situation.

    We are preparing a European server in case we need it. As I see this overall negative reaction, if we don't need the second server it will not be turned on until we physically need it. This is not a matter where we can upgrade the machine or bandwidth, we are already going to have the maximum available to us.

    I do plan to run a European download server as soon as possible and a trial server will be a necessity for free trials. I will not allow 'free trials' to create the possibility for players to create free accounts that would affect the live Xsyon world.

    There will be a point where the Xsyon world can't accomodate the population, and where the population on one server will be too large to form a tight cohesive community.

    The original plan that we will follow is to add new lands that run on separate but connected servers (much like what is done with EVE Online), this would effectively create neighborhoods of communities that play together, but this is not something that can be done overnight.

    If we grow too fast, we will have to split the world. We are not there yet, of course. I am simply preparing for this scenario. We are growing quickly and as many of you have probably noticed, this is without any advertisement or direct promotion on our part. I've answered a few interviews and announced the launch in early January, but that's all.

    If we do need additional servers, nobody will be forced to play on a specific server and players will be allowed to create characters on both servers. It will simply be an option. I was ready to offer than option now rather than later and that's all. If it does not seem necessary it will not be done.

    I hope that alleviates the concerns.
    I really love you.

    Finally a developer who listen to the community. Thats one of the biggest strength of this game.

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