Well it seems like I've already done everything by just playing for a day. Sure I've not build all types of buildings, havent found all recipies etc. But building is all same. You place a predone building, stuff it with random materials and create.

Same with crafting, pick stuff from scrappile, or ground etc hit crafting. Fishing, just rightclick the fishing skill, terraforming just click the dig, raise etc. Combat just spamclick mouse. Foraging and scavangering, click skill.

Theres just not much to do. Exploration sucks, hunting sucks, everything looks the same. It doesnt feel complex at all.
However it does feel grindy with the random crafting-receipts. Just do the cheapest and fastest craft over and over and over again.

And you cant build anywhere you like, cant even dig at random. Must have a tribe where you want to terraform/build etc. Doesnt feel like freedom at all..

I want to like the game, its like wurm but better engine, altho that seems to be its only strong point. I guess I've made up my mind, I'll check back on the game in a month or two.

Or you could try to convince me why I should stick around at day 1..

Actually, http://twitter.com/SalemTheGame seems better.