I had a few players recently asking me for more information, thus I thought it a good idea to update this thread.

One of the questions asked was about the requirements to join the tribe/clan (whatever it will develop into) and whether there are any. Yes, there are requirements, here they are.

1. You need to have a sensible character name. Either use a normal given name or invent a new one. Both is fine. But make sure the character name fits a tribe that is based off lore/RP. Any form of reference to people known in RL or *gasp* names with numbers or leet speak is totally out of the question. Sorry, that decision is final.

2. We are neutral. I repeat it, we are neutral. Amongst other things that means that members of the tribe will never attack other players unless in a state of war. We will defend our tribe and our allies but we will never engage in PvP unless attacked or in a state of war. Never.

3. Personally, I do not like any form of cheating, exploiting, meta-gaming, whatever you might call it. You play one character or you do not play in our tribe. The moment that I'm convinced that you have a second account to gain an advantage is the moment I kick you out of the tribe. Sorry again.

4. We try to live in the mountains. We like the mountains. We like the gorgeous views from a mountain top at dawn. We like to explore, we like to travel. That means that we will not progress fast in our character development. We're fine with that. So should you.

This all may sound like we had no fun in the game. To the contrary, we have a lot of fun playing our characters and nobody minds the occasional "LOL" in tribe chat. But we will do our best to roleplay our characters when meeting with other survivors.

Thanks for reading.