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  1. #1

    Exclamation Size of the Text and Chatbox! Our eyesite hurts!

    Size of chat box and size of lettering is just very painful taking that avreage age group in this game is 20 - 40 year old guys... We need more friendlyer text size and also perhaps option of expanding text box itself! Lot of people been saying this and it would definatly improve user expierience...

  2. #2
    We really need to be able to control the opacity of the window itself, that way we could actually have some contrast behind the text...

  3. #3
    Changing text size and window background would be a huge impact on the chat UI. There other things like font colors, multiplie windows, but its a small dev team and they have numerous things to be doing so realistically options for text size and background colour would be good till a less busier time than going live lol.

  4. #4
    regarding the UI chat background and font size option.. One can code that within an hour really.. And if they have all been working on the code from start or whoever has could probably implement it even faster...

    Its more about they dont need to worry about its ability right now over other more important areas I guess.

  5. #5
    I agree, that they should be focusing on the larger issues to get ready for release, as well as fixing those things that untimely happen right after launch. However, it is something that should be looked after shortly thereafter. It really is a pain the behind.

  6. #6
    Just started playing and for most of you this chat colour/box maybe annoying. For me is almost impossible to read. Red text on a green grass background for somebody who suffers from partial colour-blindness is basically impossible to read. For a game that says you need to be social with others, then you need to change this asap. Because right now, for me at least, the game is impossible to be social as I cant see what people are typing. Shame because this game looks to have promise but right now I simply feel left out and kind of would like to have a refund. Unless this is going to be correct soon.

  7. #7
    Anyone found a hack or anything to increase the size yet... this is killing me.

  8. #8
    There needs to be tabs and ways to turn off chat completely.

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